Thursday, June 28, 2012

Two Birds One Day

We had a political double-header today, although I'm not so sure the lamestream media will report both stories.  Sure, they'll report the one about Obama's stupendous victory over the Supreme Court decision to declare Obamacare Constitutional, except for that little part about commerce, but golly, let's just call it a tax and do it that way.  Of course Obama swore to the American public that Obamacare is not a tax. NOT NOT NOT a tax, to be as emphatic as my keyboard will allow, so the only problem is that Obama lied.  If all of us refuse to pay into Obamacare, what can they do?

Will Obamacare be a pyrrhic victory and cost him the election in November?  Perhaps, but he can always circumvent that piece of paper referred to as the US Constitution and declare himself Supreme Leader, not unlike little Michael Bloomberg of New York who declared it lawful to run for a third term, and possibly a fourth, etc.  New Yorkers are so blinded by their liberal views, they voted for him--and he's even richer than Mitt Romney, but not a Mormon like Harry Reid.  So confusing.

The other story, of course, is the debacle I wrote about earlier today--Fast and Furious--and how Eric Withholder refused to provide the requested documentation Congress asked for, and now the chinless Attorney General was declared in contempt of Congress.  Let us hope he gets what he deserves and that he has a nice cell mate who will not "own him" as his wife--or maybe he'll get Nancy Pelosi.  Nancy didn't even know Brian Terry's full name when she pretended to eulogize him, and she has been making statements that made me think if she was any dumber, we'd have to water her several times a week.

Let's keep an eye on the ball and vote this socialist/Marxist out of office.  

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 


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