Saturday, June 30, 2012

Oy Canada

Today is Canada Day, a federal statutory holiday that celebrates the July 1, 1867 anniversary enactment of the British North American Act, (known today as the Constitution Act, 1867, here in Canada) that united three British colonies into a country Canucks everywhere call Canada.  Canada Day used to be called Dominion Day but it must have been a group of liberals who changed it to Canada Day because liberals cannot leave good things the way they are.

I arrived in Canada two years ago on Canada Day.  It was hotter than a welder's butt, and moving in was an enormous chore, but we got it done.  Canada is a wonderful country with wonderful people, and a hell of a lot more parking than Manhattan.  Many Canadians will barbeque just like Americans do on the Fourth of July.  But Canada, as wonderful as it is, is not the United States of America.

You readers of this blog who live in the USA hopefully know how lucky you are to be an American.  I know you realize how the country is changing under the current administration but you need to change that which is changing and bring back the values that conservatives have always cherished. I know this sounds kind of corny, but I'm a conservative who is proud of these old values, as I am certain you are.  I am also proud of the fact that Prime Minister Harper thinks pretty much the same as I do about Obama.

The bad news is that ObamaCare passed for the most part, but the good news is that come November, conservatives are going to come out in droves to drive this poseur out of office. He wasn't much of a Senator, he isn't much of a President, and I suspect he will not be much of anything special once he's gone.

So enjoy your Fourth of July in a few days as I will enjoy Canada Day today and celebrate in much the same way Americans do--drink a few beers, eat a few hot dogs, and watch the fireworks.

Have a safe holiday and keep America strong.  I write this from America's 57th state, Canada.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 


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