Monday, June 4, 2012

Eric The Red Holder and Politics

 Eric Holder should be impeached.  The role of Attorney General is clear: uphold the Constitution of the United States and represent all Americans as AG. Holder does neither aspect of the job and is nothing more than a politician, and a crooked one at that.  Holder acts more like MSNBC's liberal flunky, Mister Ed, the Talking Horse's Butt, than a man of law who is supposed to maintain a balanced approach. And worst of all, he`s a divider, not a uniter. One could forgive him if he didn't act like the racist he accuses conservatives to be, but he keeps pulling out the race card every chance he gets.  Remember when PMSNBC declared back in 2008 that if you didn't vote for Obama, you were a racist?  Well, I believe that if you do vote for him again, you have to be crazy, stupid, or delusional.

I cannot remember a time when the Attorney General of the United States of America was on the campaign stump for the President who appointed him. Maybe my memory isn't perfect, but if you can recall an AG like Holder, getting politically involved, please inform me with a comment here. (I also wouldn't object to you checking out any of my blog ads as it helps defray the cost of eating). 

Fast and Furious, the DoJ debacle that helped cause the death of Border Agent Brian Terry, has become a non-news item, even for much of the conservative media. Sure, Fox has reported on it in brief, but there are other issues that have more of the interests of the right currently at play; specifically, the Wisconsin recall election and Obama's re-election bid.  Obviously, there's a lot at stake for both parties and tomorrow's race will be almost as important to the USA as the presidential race. It's looking good for Scott Walker, but I never count chickens when people are throwing eggs.

Anyway, have a good Monday.  If you like reading suspense fiction about what I see as a clear and present danger facing the Western nations, you might want to check out my novel, Jihad Joe.  It's available in both ebook form (almost free) and at Amazon, (not so free, but there's a lovely photo of me on the back cover).  I've posted the links below.  Peace out.

click here for ebook version

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