Sunday, April 15, 2012

The Koran vs the Sears Catalog

I never think it's a good idea for anyone to desecrate the holy book of another's religion. I say this as a person who is not all that religious, but as one who believes we need to respect the beliefs of others, at least to some extent. I mean, I don't respect religious beliefs that say one must kill in its name, or behead those who don't believe, or kill those whose sexual preferences differ from mine, and so on. But I would never flush a Koran down a toilet nor burn it at a cozy campfire.

Of course, that doesn't mean that anyone has the right to kill someone who flushes a Koran down a toilet--that even goes for plumbers who have to deal with the mess after the job is done.  The Koran, like the Bible, is a book.  There is nothing sacred about the paper it is printed on.  The ink is regular ink, the paper is simply paper--it could be used for a Koran just as easily as it could serve as paper for a Sears catalog. And we all know what many a farmer has used the famous catalog for in the middle of the night in that little wooden room made for sitting.

Thinks his team is winning
But people have died over this paper, this ink, these words that were supposedly written by a god named Allah, the moon god married to the sun goddess, whose name was derived from pagans.  Innocent people were killed merely because to those barbarians, they represented those who desecrated the paper, the ink, whose words were seen as holy.

So what were some of these words that Muslims killed the innocent over?  Let's just look at a Sura, just for the, umm, fun of it.  But before I begin, I have a caveat for those new to Islam and the life of their prophet, Muhammad.  In order to best understand how the Koran is structured, we must understand that there really are two Korans--the Meccan and the Medina Korans.  

When Muhammad was in Mecca, he had only a handful of faithful followers, about 150 in total.  He stayed in Mecca and harassed the locals by making fun of their [Jewish] religion and those who were pagan as well.  He was told by the Jewish leaders to cool it but he refused. Over time, he was forced to leave and he and his pals saddled up their camels, grabbed their multiple wives, and headed out to Medina.  Eventually his merry band of loyal soldiers grew to over ten thousand.  They had the latest in ultra sharp beheading swords and knives and were the type of terrorists to lie in ambush to attack the caravans, kill the men and take their women along with the booty. 

So, in Mecca, when Muhammad was weak, the Koran was more tolerant of other religions.  But when he reached Medina and was strong, somehow Allah became more intolerant of anyone who would piss off Muhammad by refusing to fight and die for him and feed his narcissistic needs.  He killed those who refused to convert or bow to him, and he took more wives than Jimmy Carter's family had peanuts.  On Muhammad's orders, he also killed their young boys and committed debauchery among the widows of the slain.  Like Allah, Muhammad hated the Jews and Christians, and soon all unbelievers of Islam were his targets in one way or another.  

Muslims who would have you believe that Islam is a religion of peace will only use the Meccan Koran to quote from, while true Muslims know how the old is abrogated by the new, so the Medina Suras were the relevant ones, as far as they are concerned, and they negated the older, more peaceful Suras.  

What I never understood was how Muhammad could get away by claiming the Koran was the perfect word of Allah written before all time when, in fact, the Meccan Suras were imperfect and had to be abrogated by the newer, less softer side of Islam.   Could it be that Muhammad actually wrote the book himself with the help of someone who, unlike him, was not illiterate?

So here is that quote I mentioned that so many of our terrorist are fond to follow when beheading those with a different philosophy than theirs.  Sura 9:5 (also known as "Sura of the Sword"): 
"Then when the Sacred Months (the 1st, 7th, 11th, and 12th months of the Islamic calendar) have passed, then kill the Mishrikun wherever you find them, and capture them and beseige them, and lie in wait for them in every ambush.  But if they repent and perform al-Salat and give Zakat (a tax they pay for the privilege of living longer) then leave their way free."

Interesting how many months of the year are sacred, and how Muslims pray five times a day. It's like Islam is all encompassing, taking up so much of one's life that it doesn't give one time to think and question it. In fact, Muslims who question Islam, or analyze the behavior of their pedophile leader, Muhammad, are quickly dispatched with a blow from their swift sword.

Next time you hear a mainstream media moron talk about Islamic extremism, don't believe it.  These Muslims are merely being religious. They are the Islamic orthodox. 

So, in summary, I would suggest to you that the Sears catalog is more peaceful than the Holy Koran.  Nowhere in the Sears catalog does it say that Jews are pigs and Christians are apes.  Nowhere does Sears advocate killing those people who go to Walmart or even JC Penney.

If you want a great read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 
click here for ebook version  

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