Thursday, March 8, 2012

If It's Liberal, It's Gullible

It's becoming increasingly clearer to me that no matter what Obama says, the left is going to believe it. He calls Democratic members of Congress to not pass the bill to allow for the Federal government to determine whether to go forward with the Keystone pipeline, and he still blames Republicans for its failure.  But Democrats believe him in spite of the fact that he is calling for his cronies to stop this process, because if allowed to do so, the pipeline would be more than a pipe dream. Democrats want to believe him and will refuse to believe the evidence and facts that come through their sensory apparatus--you know, their eyes and ears, for example.

Steven Chu, the Energy Secretary, says he feels your pain at the gas pump, but he also said that gas prices are not his concern and admits that he would like to see energy dependency change from oil to wind, solar, electric, and canned farts. He also says high gas prices are not Obama's fault, but admits that when gas prices rose in the Bush administration, it somehow was GW's fault--and Democrats believe that.

Rush Limbaugh called a slut a slut, and the Democrats want Rush's testicles removed along with all of his sponsors and his job. But Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a cunt (shocking word, isn't it?) and Obama lackey, Jay Carney, says it isn't even closely the same thing as Rush Limbaugh calling Fluke (pronounced Fluck) a slut, and they refuse to return pig Maher's million dollar super PAC donation--and Democrats believe Carney's reasoning.

The only female Bill repects-wonder why?
You've heard it said that people believe what they want to believe, but if you didn't believe this when you heard it, you just need to consider what Democrats allow themselves to believe. A liberal acquaintance of mine in New York City said, in reference to Rush Limbaugh's inappropriate remark that I would rather choose to take the side of a disgusting junkie than believe the truth as to how disgusting the remark was. My reply was that I believe in freedom of speech, and while it was inappropriate, I believe that what's good for one side should be good for the other--it's only fair.  But since when do libtards play fair?  They believe they don't have to play fair, because they are always right--at least in their own small minds.

Finally, Obama says he is NOT in campaign mode. He has already attended 101 campaign events to George Bush's 53 at this same time in his first term. I suspect Democrats believe him because if he was in campaign mode, he would have attended at least twice that number, and if he says he isn't, well, he is too transparent to lie.

If you are interested in Islamic terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--I have provided the links below.  A New York City reporter is taken hostage by terrorists and must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.   FREE Ebook:  Conservatweets

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