Sunday, February 5, 2012

Conservatweet Sunday

 I went through my own favorite tweets yesterday and came up with a slew of tweets to friends or just to the open tweet air that I sent on Twitter since the end of last May.  I expanded each tweet when necessary for it to make sense to those of you who are abbreviation-impaired, or simply want an easier read.  I also made comments on many of the postings just to maintain my air of arrogant conservatism amongst those liberals who may stumble across them.  Then I put them into a free ebook on a site called  Here it is:  Conservatweets on ebooks  It's actually quite funny what some of the liberals  say to me and about me--they're so furious with my different viewpoint, it makes them want to spit and hit me with their purses.
 As you may also know, I wrote a novel, which was published at Amazon, and is also available at  It's about 84 thousand words long and about a guy who is taken prisoner by Islamic terrorists who demand from Obama that an exchange be made of him for three Gitmo terrorists, or else they will kill him.  It takes place in my hometown, Manhattan, and heads out to their safe house.  The ebook version is about 3 bucks and the soft cover book is $14.50.  Anyway, I think there's a football game on TV today with some New York football team playing a bunch of guys from New England.  Maybe I'll check it out.
Have a fantastic Super Sunday, my friends.  I just finished my ebook, Conservatweets, which I believe you will get a few laughs with and enjoy.
Jihad Joe: a Novel  Create Space soft cover book edition
Jihad Joe see it here ebook version

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