Monday, January 2, 2012

Ahmadinejad Endorses Ron Paul and Barack Hussein Obama

You're short. Your eyes almost meet in the middle, giving you an unmistakeable rodent appearance. You were brought up in a strict religious family--one that hates Jews, Christians, Hindus, Jains, atheists, women, gays--everyone who isn't brought up in the same religion, let's say. You were bullied as a kid and your samosas were taken at lunchtime by bigger boys and some girls. You learned about soap at the age of 23 but knew it was a plot to get you to change your habits. You worship a guy who loves little girls and marries them before they give up dolls. Your name is long--it took you until 7th grade before you could write it out without making a spelling error. Yes--you are Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and you are the freaking president of Iran.

Your biggest claim to fame is not merely that you preside over one of the Shiitiest countries in the world, but that a United States President, Barack Hussein Obama, is afraid of you. And this is why you, the Nazi Party, the American Communist party, and Barney Frank endorse him.

You may not be the strongest, best-looking, toughest, smartest, sweetest-smelling guy around, but you know how to call 'em when it comes to choosing your competition. Too bad come November, you cannot pull the lever for Obama--wait--if he has his way, maybe you can.  You're Iranian, which makes you a minority, which means you can vote for him and let him continue to make changes that he promised--change you can count on, like taxes and death, more taxes, and death, and taxes.

If you are interested in terrorism and suspense, I have provided 2 links (below) for a hard copy (soft cover) edition and an eBook edition of my latest novel, Jihad Joe.  It's a story about Zed Nill, a New York based reporter, taken hostage by Islamic terrorists.  He must escape, or be beheaded the following day . . . the clock is ticking.
click here for softcover Jihad Joe                     
Free Ebook "Conservatweets"

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