Sunday, November 20, 2011

Super Duper Committee Pooper

Super Committee, or not so super? They have until tonight to get their acts together. It's very difficult to get work done when people like John Kerry, or Mr. Hair, are out of touch with the masses and believe that taxing them is a good thing for the debt crisis.  Easy for Kerry to say--he inherited his fortune by fortunately marrying his wealthy wife. He says "We're not the tax cut committee," but perhaps that is what he should be thinking of being since that seems to be the only way to turn this economy around. Keynsian economics is as useful as a Dewey button. Kerry says Republicans are not willing to give up tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans, but the truth is, we need to reform our tax code and replace it with a dynamic code.

Kerry honored by Comrade Do Muoi at Communist War Museum
Kerry, if you recall, was the self-made "hero" in the Vietnam Swiftboat scandal. Self-made, in Kerry's case, is the way in which he was awarded those Purple Hearts and Silver Star--he wrote the report himself. After serving a terrifying four months in Vietnam, and due to his incredible lack of military leadership, he became a hero in his own mind. In spite of the fact that several hundred swiftboat sailors denied Kerry's heroics, he somehow got away with it--perhaps it had something to do with the fact that he was a flaming liberal and the media is in love with liberals.
Kerry & Hanoi Jane
Kerry was born in Aurora, Colorado and attended boarding schools in Massachusetts and New Hampshire. He then went to Yale, where he majored in political science and enlisted in the Naval Reserve in 1966. (You may recall, the Naval Reserve only allowed sailors over six feet tall to enlist--Kerry is 6 feet 4 inches--this is due to the fact that if a Naval Reserve is sunk by the enemy, the crew can walk ashore . . . just kidding.) In a four month tour in South Vietnam, from 1968-1969, Kerry was the Officer In Charge of a Swift Boat and gave himself the Silver Star, Bronze Star, and no less than three Purple Hearts for bravery above and beyond the call of a liberal. After returning to the safety of the United States, Kerry joined the Vietnam Veterans Against the War, which would later be called "Occupy Wall Street." Kerry became their nationally recognized spokescoward, as he proudly turned his back on his Navy brothers and his country. This won him favor with the Democratic party, as one can well imagine, and when he appeared before the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs (which, fortunately for him, left out the affairs he had in his marital career), the Democrats got tingles up their collective bargaining legs when he deemed his superiors to be "war criminals." 
Super Committee?

 Kerry's first wife left him due to severe depression which, under the circumstances, is totally understandable. In 1990, at an Earth Day rally, (no kidding), he was introduced to Teresa Heinz, the ketchup princess and widow of Pennsylvania Senator, H. John Heinz III, a Republican.  H.J. introduced Kerry to Teresa but they did not meet again until H.J. died in 1992.  Knowing what a good financial catch Teresa was, the giggolo in him couldn't help it--he pursued her for an easier lifestyle.  Teresa is purported to have as much as 3 billion George Washingtons in her bank account, which she shares with her Occupy supporter husband, John Swift Boat Kerry.

Edwards after wife died
Kerry's presidential run in 2004 was on an anti-Iraq war platform. He ran with co-slimeball, John Edwards, who cheated on his dying wife, Elizabeth, and fathered a child with his mistress, Nancy Pelosi (there I go kidding again). Luckily, for America, Kerry and Edwards lost by 34 electoral votes and liberty and freedom prevailed. To learn more about Kerry and Edwards, go to Google and search for "Political Scumbags."

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