Thursday, November 24, 2011

Soup Committee

With Thanksgiving over, many people had to attend soup kitchens in order to have a decent meal, particularly those who have lost their jobs due to the current Obama administration. Super Committee? Not so very super, if you ask me.  The whole idea is preposterous and just another Obama ploy to make it appear that Republicans are unwilling to work with Democrats to put people back to work and balance the budget. 

There was no way six Democrats and six Republicans were going to agree on methods of cutting the deficit. There are two diametrically opposed philosophies involved, and the Super Committee process with these two personality types were not about to solve anything other than buying time for Obama to fly somewhere--anywhere except DC. The opposing philosophies are the conservatives, who see and respect America's values, Constitution, and older standards; and liberals, who use their feelings to decide how things should run--and try to figure out ways the rich can give some of their money to the less rich.

The country has a spending problem, and a Constitution problem. Not that the Constitution is flawed--the way our flawed president bypasses it, is the problem. There are no reasons to expect Republicans to deviate from their core philosophy of not raising taxes to deal with the debt crisis.  Republicans know the abject futility of trying to lower the debt this way--it's like trying to keep a ship from sinking by boring a larger hole in it with the hope that the water will drain out. Even if the top 1% paid 100% of their income in taxes, it would be a drop in the bucket compared to what we owe.

Let me put it in perspective. If you stacked $100 bills 7 feet high, covered an entire football field with them, side-by-side, you would have a trillion dollars. If you tried to count to one trillion, using a second in time for each number, it would take you over 32 thousand years to reach a trillion. If you held the world population constant, and wanted to fill other earth-size planets with people, having one person equal to one dollar of debt, it would take 2142 planets to hold them all. Our debt is that enormous. Our debt is so out of hand that it's almost incomprehensible to imagine the size of $15 trillion.

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and did not listen to PETA and go vegan. Do you know that going vegan kills more animals with the farming process than going normal (read meat-eater)? 

Peace out.

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