Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving Mom & Dad--See You When I Can

Airline flights are up, baggage fees are astronomical, gasoline is rising, and Thanksgiving is tomorrow. Is it worth traveling home just to see your family? Is there going to be anything special about it? Will Dad say something that will change your life, or Mom cook the best Turkey (tofu turkey if she's a socialist) you've ever tasted? Will you and your siblings make up and be close again? Will bluebirds sing and all be well with the world?

The Big Question:  Is it worth going home for Thanksgiving?

You bet it is. We are walking on the outer portion of this ball of dirt for far fewer days than the dollars our government spends in just one day, and there is nothing more important than our family. Nothing.  Humans create artificial holidays to celebrate artificial occasions, but we do it for good reasons. We need to be gregarious, to touch, to love those who have walked with us, for some distance along this ball of dirt. We need to let our parents know that they are important to us now that we don't need them for what we once needed them for--and this is the love we have to share.

I am an orphan-my dad died when I was in the Marines, and Mom died on her 90th birthday, just two years ago. I may no longer be a child, but I am as much an orphan for lack of living parents as any child who may have hardly known his or her parents before losing them.

So spend the money to take the trip to get your butt home. There are only so many days you will have to walk on this ball of dirt with them. Have a safe journey home and have a wonderful, wonderful Thanksgiving.

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