Thursday, November 3, 2011

Occupy This

The occupiers are losing it. They are not playing well with others, especially the 53% of the nation who goes to work, pays their taxes, raises their family, and loves their country. No, these occupiers are as angry as a Greek mob on steroids, and quite frankly, if you see the videos of what's taking place in Oakland, you can't really tell the difference between the two countries.The video in today's blog was shot a week ago, but nothing much has changed except the air quality by the tents--it has worsened. I wonder if Nancy Pelosi still thinks these cute kids are speaking for her and her left-leaning, bailout providing, Arab Spring loving, racist party. I know they still speak for Michael Moore, but he's only anti-American in voice, not in spirit, because he would not have his $59 million in a non-capitalistic society if he wasn't a capitalist.  In fact, if he was in any other country and made documentaries aimed at making money by denouncing that country, he likely would not have a job, and more likely not even have his testicles on board. It is because of our freedom and Constitution that these cretins can protest and denounce the country, without being sent to a gulag when they do it. 

But those who remain in New York's Zuccotti Park, or Oakland, Detroit,Chicago, and all the other cities in America since this began, are not people with legitimate gripes, but people with anger, a propensity toward violence, drugs, casual public sex, and a soap deficit. These are the anarchists who want to see our freedoms end, but who are unwilling to move to a socialist or communists country where they can get what they claim to want. They are supposedly the 99 percenters, those who fall into a salary category below that elite one percent, but globally, they are the one percent whom they protest against. The global average salary is about 2 dollars a day--the OWS clowns average far above that because America is, per capita, one of the wealthiest nations in the world, although it is also true, that one in 15 of people in the US are living in abject poverty. I suspect none of these poor people can even afford a tent to pitch alongside the protestors. 

I believe Americans have the right to protest. I believe in the First Amendment, along with the rest of the Constitution, but I do not believe that sedition should be rewarded with praise like the left is giving to the Occupy movement. I believe it's time to bring out the water cannons and to round up the rabble, take names, and put those who have destroyed property or committed any criminal act, in jail. The rights to protest are one thing, but people who are affected adversely by these protestors also have rights. Small business has been adversely effected and nothing has been done to help them. It isn't fair--the protestors want their "fair share" of other people's money. That sounds like socialism or Marxism to me.

Marx: Stinky learns to count, but not to bathe
Isn't it ironic that Karl Marx bathed about as much as the occupiers have since stinking up the place?

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