Saturday, October 22, 2011

Random Thoughts Running Frenetically

The face of evil
I believe  that Hillary Clinton referring to Herman Cain as a "Pizza Man" to Hamid Karzai, Afghanistan's chief, is beneath the office of Secretary of State. But being beneath something is not unusual for snakes. Maybe if Cain gets nominated and then elected, he can refer to Hillary as "That Woman Whose Husband Was Getting Oral Sex in the Oval Office, Not to Mention All Over Arkansas By Women Other Than Her." Did you know that there are over 20 suspicious deaths, mostly listed as suicides, associated with Bill Clinton? Makes one wonder, doesn't it?

Occupy Wall Street is the Flea Party of the left. It's amazing how the Democrats like Nancy Pelousy tries to equate them to the Tea Party--if they hated them, and they support the Fleas, why is it sensible to make the comparison? I believe that can be answered by the fact that the left never needs logic to rule their thinking. I also believe that Nancy finds it sexy to defecate on a police car.

Doesn't Harry Reid remind you of a gay funeral director?

Political Correctness was invented by those who would like to see the demise of our civil liberties, and the ultimate end to our country as we know it.

What did Michelle Obama think of the USA before she was proud of it for the first time in her adult life? And speaking of the Obama's, why do we know nothing of Barry's life before marrying Michelle? No girlfriends, no school scores, nothing "transparent" to speak of--from a president who claimed that he was going to be the most transparent president ever known. He is obviously hiding a lot of his history--I just wonder why. Bad grades? Anti-white like his preacher? Socialist-Marxist like his parents? Muslim like Daddy and step-Daddy? Or was it that he was merely a pizza delivery guy?

How can you trust someone who, for twenty years attended a church, and never heard anything the preacher shouted?

Now that Qaddafi is dead, how will they finally spell his name on his tombstone? Ghaddafi? Qadaffi? Gadhafi? Gaddafi? And so on? Also, they are keeping his body in a meat market freezer--I wonder if it's on special.

Finally, what's going on with Maxine Waters (D-Calif)? She had 13 ethics charges filed against her almost a full year ago and we are still waiting for justice for this very vocal, racist card holding, liberal. Is the Obama administration somehow protecting her--specifically, my main man Eric-I-Refuse-to-Prosecute-a-Terrorist- Holder, of the DoJ, that is? They should change the name from Department of Justice to Department of Jesters. They are as useful as a bag of smoke, which, if you give them the chance, they will blow up into an area of your anatomy while telling you how transparent they are.
She doesn't get any sweeter than this

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