Sunday, October 23, 2011

It's a Sharia Autumn

Gadaffi opening his fan mail
The world is better off without, however you spell, Gaddafi. But we don't know who is going to take over in Libya and the devil is in the details--the devil being Islamic extremism.  When they grabbed Qaddafi they did not scream, "Democracy! Democracy!" No, they screamed, "Allahu Akbar! Allahu Akbar!"  If you don't know that this means "God is great," (referring to Allah, not Jesus or the Father), then you might be a liberal or living in a cave in Peru. 

"There are no gays in Iran"
We see how democracy in an Islamic nation is different than democracy in the West. Islam has sharia law, or Islamic law, and with sharia the differences in human rights are staggering. Women, in particular, are worth half of what men are when it comes to inheritance, testifying in court, and even what they may wear. Countries like Saudi Arabia, do not allow women to drive automobiles or leave their home without a chaperone. Democracy in an Islamic nation means that if a Muslim leaves his or her religion, a stoning to death is the punishment. Gays and lesbians are also stoned to death, if they are discovered, and churches that exist in these countries are not allowed to be repaired, and are often burned to the ground just because Muslims can. Jews are referred to as pigs and apes in the Islamic "Holy Book" and they are treated brutally by Muslims, often killed simply for being Jewish. This is democracy in Islam; this is sharia.

This brings us to the question about Iraq. Pulling our troops from Iraq before the end of the year is seen by many war strategists as dangerous. The gains we've made are clearly reversible and those who have died there may have died for nothing. Obama is likely using the retreatof our troops for political gain and has even aligned himself with Bush, regarding the "pullout," to score points on both sides of the aisle. Obama bragged how he has kept his promise to the American people, as if his keeping promises was ever important to him, as he has shown with issues like "transparency" and "avoiding devisiveness" for example. 

"I'm so cute, I even make me sick"
Liberals see no connection between our leaving Iraq, and Iran stepping in and dominating them. Now, with the death of Gadhafi, it lends credence to Obama's claim that we are not retreating from Iraq, but simply getting our boys home in time for the holidays (Hannukah notwithstanding).  This is Obama's "leading from behind" modus operandi, which he pretends is a strategy. It is a reflection of his personality--remember how small and insignificant he looked in the "War Room" with Clinton and Biden looking more involved. If Biden can look more important than Obama, the Democrats are in big trouble come next year.  But make no mistake about it--we are retreating from Iraq pretending it's a "mission accomplished" like Bush mistakenly made. Luckily for Obama the mainstream media will make him look good, like they made Bush look bad.

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