Wednesday, October 12, 2011

More On Fast and Furious

This is a story that doesn't go away--kind of like the unwashed on Occupy Wall Street. Fast and Furious, the gun walking screwup that allowed guns to cross into Mexico from the USA and get into the hands of the drug cartels. Eric Holder, the Attorney General at the Department of Justice (DoJ) has finally been supoenaed and being put on the hotseat for this incredibly stupid tactic.

Go ahead, pull my finger
Barack Hussein Obama has claimed that Holder is innocent, as is he, in the Fast and Fuirious scandal. In fact, when Obama was first asked about the scandal, he couldn't remember Eric Holder's name--and who can blame him? Our president comes into contact with literally hundreds of people each day, so how can we expect him to remember someone he appointed to such an unimportant position like Attorney General? Why should he remember someone who he has hung out with and probably played a few rounds of golf with, as he has with hundreds of people every day? Obama has enough problems with his jobs plan and things like Solyndra and now another solar energy company called Sun Power     that has received $1.2 billion to keep it afloat but is now having its own problems. Obama certainly doesn't need Fast and Furious up his butt like a thistle in a briar patch.

Darrell Issa
But Rep. Darrell Issa, (R-Calif.)  the Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman, is not going to let Fast and Furious simply go away. This may turn out to be Holder's Waterloo, or it may do even more damage to the present administration; we shall see. Issa believes that Holder is not being forthcoming with information on the botched scheme, and that he was not being 'candid' when he said that he only knew of the operation a few weeks ago (in his testimony last May). This has been shown to be less than the truth--some might even say that something less than the truth is a lie, but we don't say that about politicians. They're very sensitive to being called liars--they get it all the time.

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