Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Obama Kicks off NFL Opening Day with a Speech

Freaking Irene

I suspect Obama never has to use bathroom freshener after he does, as they say in India, a "big job" in the little boy's room. That's because his s**t is weak--an old Marine Corps saying referring to people who are passive, weak, timid, shy, and pussies, a word which may be another Marine Corps term. By the way, Obama pronounces Corps with the "s" as he did in a speech about Navy Corpsemen, whatever they are. He may be erudite and loquatious, but he's not the brightest bomb on the suicide vest.

But worse than being timid and shy, and leading with his behind, he is incredibly arrogant--perhaps that is because he believes, as I said above, that his s**t doesn't stink--he thinks that he is better than the rest of us plain folk. He is arrogant to think that the American public has the luxury to wait for him to get his lazy ass back from the greens to grace us with his wisdom about how he plans to get jobs for Americans. Hurricane Irene, unfortunately for him, cut his vacation in Martha's Vineyard short by five hours and still he had the audacity to hope we would tolerate his doing his version of a big job on us. Then he had the brilliant idea to announce today that he would make his illuminating speech on the same day and time as the GOP presidential debates, and I am happy to report that John Boehner called him on it and told him that he should make other plans. Of course, Jay Carney, his bespeckled and highly arrogant Press Secretary who Obama found on Angie's List with a B rating, said that it was a mere coincidence that the president's busy scheduling conflicted with the debate, but I finally believe the American public has had enough of this crap, which is why Boehner said no go to Obama's show.

In his presidential wisdom, Obama agreed to speak on Thursday and another coincidence was revealed: it's opening day for the NFL and the competition is going to be fierce--not between the teams, but between Obama and the game. What a crew of idiots he must have to miss this little detail. Maybe Carney was telling the truth about the original plans for the Wednesday confilct--nah, he's an ivy leaguer--the only mistake he made was to be a libtard and be on Obama's staff. At least that's the only mistake we know about the guy. Holder, well that's another story.

So what are you gonna do--watch Obama make another campaign speech where he blames the lack of bipartisanship, (read Republicans) for our country's woes, and tell how he inherited this problem from Bush, and yadda yadda? Or are you going to watch the Packers kick butt?

I know what I'm going to be doing Thursday-I can always watch Obama re-runs on the PajamasTV.

Comments? Don't be shy or timid--it doesn't become you.


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