Tuesday, May 10, 2011

How the Main Stream Media Bites the Big One

One can go to work during the day, come home, have dinner, and then curl up with your spouse and watch the news. If you're a man living in an Islamic country like Saudi Arabia, you can curl up with your four wives, some of whom can be as young as 13, and watch the news. I suspect that if you're living in the US of A, the news will be "cleaned up" as much as it would be in Saudi Arabia because there is nothing you will see on the news that will beg you to question what is going on with your government; something you wouldn't dare do in the land of King Abdullah, where even our president, Hussein Ubama, bowed to their Islamic leader.

To wit, some Yemeni guy went ballistic on an airline, went up to the pilot's cabin, pounded on the door shouting, "Allahu Akbar!" loudly and probably quite frighteningly to anyone who might have a working knowledge of the Arabic phrase and can connect it to terrorism. And let's face it; we are at war with terrorism, not the terrorists, who happen to be of a religion that wages jihad. But the MSM, or Main Stream Media, never once mentioned the fact that the guy was yelling out "God is great!" because, heck, you might think he was doing it because he is a Muslim.
I am not, I repeat, not implying that a) all Muslims are terrorists; or b) that all terrorists are Muslims--just most of them; or c) that Islam is not a religion of peace, as GW Bush and Barack Hussein Ubama said. Islam has been interpreted by moderates as a peaceful religion and by the more orthodox as the only real truth in religion and all the others suck and should be annihilated from the face of the earth. But those people are only following some of what is in the Koran--you know, Surah 9 in particular. They fail to mention the peaceful Surahs such as the one that says: "There is no compulsion in religion." There are other Surahs that are nice but they have all been abrogated, or made subordinate by Surah 9 because they came earlier and don't count anymore. Allah abrogated them because, as perfect as he is, he must have made a typo.  So the earlier Surahs that only say how bad the Jews are, and how Christians got it all wrong and  are going to hell with the Jews and unbelievers, are considered the peaceful ones, but the not-so-peaceful ones that have you cutting off heads and hands and feet, well, they count.
But I digress.
I want you, gentle reader, to be very careful when curling up with your spouse(s) when you arrive home after a hard day of work. If you watch ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNN, FOX, LSMFT (just checking to see if you're paying attention), you need to take what you see and ask yourself, "Okay, what are they not telling or showing me?" Then say to your spouse, "I know, let's not veg out with this crap--let's go to the computer and check out the blogs," you will be feeding your brain a much higher quality brain food. The brand name of this brain food is called TRUTH. But even when you think what you're reading in a blog is true, be careful and do what Ronald Reagan said to do, "Trust, but verify."

It is becoming progressively clear that the reason newsstand dailies are going belly up isn't simply because readers are flocking to the blogs for their news. The reason is that the blogs are generally giving readers better brain food.

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