Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Foot in Mouth is an Acquired Taste--Just Ask the Left

How many times can you put your foot in your mouth and not get athlete's mouth? The staunch liberals scream: "Water boarding should never never ever be allowed for any reason whatsoever, period!" Then Osama bin Laden is found through the water boarding of KSM while providing spiritual guidance to his Muslim cellmates in Gitmo, and the liberals are dancing the Lambada in the streets of America when Osama is killed.

Gitmo is an example all by itself. Barack Hussein Ubama promised, "I'm gonna close Gitmo once I become president of the United States of America. Yes we can. Yes we can." And the liberals dance at his speech thinking 'change we can believe in.' And the only change we find is the debt ceiling being raised to more dollars than inches to the moon, and Obama shifting blame. But let's face it, without Gitmo and the tactics used on that hairy pudgy terrorist Muslim, KSM, Osama would still be dying his beard, rehearsing for another TV gig after planning an attack on us infidels, and dipping his chapati in dahl while having an Islamic sex-fest with all his wives.  

So the liberals have again put their proverbial foot in their mouth about Gitmo, and although GW Bush made the right call to leave Gitmo functioning, the left is pretending Obama is Jack Bauer in disguise. Oh, and Obama is also doing the same. The real problem is, I believe, that we should have never been told of Bin Laden and what took place. Keeping this intel classified, where it initially belongs in a dark op like this, is probably the smartest thing the president could have done. But it was just too cool for school for him to sit on it because, heck, there's an election coming soon and this should blow the doors off the competition. Just count the number of times Obama used the words 'I' or 'me' when describing what took place in the killing of Osama. Just look at how many times the story changed about the killing and capture--he was armed, he was unarmed, he used his wife as a human shield, he didn't use his wife as a human shield, he was reaching for a gun, he was reaching for some gum . . . and so on.

My favorite statement our president made was "We are not at war with Islam. We will never be at war with Islam." What he might have added (see previous blog on Finishing the Thought) was, "but Islam is at war with us." It's actually frightening to think that if he's serious, if he believes this hokum, (I never use hooey because it sounds too much like my name), then we as a nation are in big trouble. If you do not know who your enemy is, or are using denial, you are screwed.

Toe jam should be sticking to the roof of Obama's mouth from the number of times he put his foot in it. Trouble is, he always wants to have it both ways. He gives Osama a Muslim burial at sea as he dumped his body over the side in swaddling sheets, or whatever, but then goes on to say that Obama was not a Muslim leader. Well Mr. President, tell that to all those Muslims who want to cut your freaking head off and put it on a stick while reciting verses from the Noble Koran.

I hear that even Canada is planning to get into the act of information gathering from terrorists who just so happen to be of the Islamic persuasion. Instead of using water boarding where they make the subject believe he is drowning, they will be using a colder environment where the subject is place on a mountain and made to careen down at horrifying speeds with very little support beneath him--it's called snowboarding. 

If you want to read about modern day terrorism and suspense, my latest novel, Jihad Joe, is now available both in soft cover and as an Ebook--see the links below. 

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