Thursday, April 7, 2011

Maya is asleep and I have time to write

Maya texture by Rob Hoey
Maya texture, a photo by Rob Hoey on Flickr.
The title of this blog about my new grand daughter being asleep, which gives me time to blog, is totally misleading. One might even say that it's a bald face lie since my wife, Thasneem, is really taking care to be vigilant over this little bundle of joy, poop diapers, and busy little lips. Of course, I have the real luxury of hanging out at my daughter's house, use my son-in-law's computer to write this, while they sleep and Thas works. She can't sit still because she believes that there is always something that can be done, or must be done, in order for the earth to spin on its axis, and for all to be well in the world.
In spite of the recent aftershock earthquake in Japan today, which was a mere 7.9 or so on the Richter Scale (just slightly more than Maya weighed at birth in pounds and ounces), the world is at peace in Canada, but not so much in the rest of the world. The rest of the world seems to want to destroy itself and we aren't doing much here in Canada to stop it.
But then there is Maya and those little cheeks, and tiny lips, and tons of hair, and little cry when she's hungry, and you know that all is going to be okay in the world--we just need to take care of our babies and their future, and think like that all of the time.

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