Tuesday, April 5, 2011

The NY Times Never Lets The Facts Get In the Way of a Good Blood Libel | NewsReal Blog

 I believe that in order to have an intelligent opinion, especially if that opinion is going to be blogged for the public to read, one should form that opinion by taking both sides of the argument regarding the issue at hand. But after what the New York Times has done in the past, and now has failed to repair in the present, I feel that it is time, not to take their opinion to bear, but to boycott that leftist rag. It should not be referred to as a newspaper; it doesn`t give the news, it makes it up and gives its opinions. Now that Judge Goldstone has recanted his earlier statement where he claimed Israel was guilty of killing innocent civilians in Gaza, you would think that the Times would allow his recanting of same, but they have refused this.  It doesn`t get any more anti-Zionist and hence, anti-Semitic than that. Obama must be holding up the cue cards and Hillary is doing the neat penmanship on them, as the American public is seeing for the first time in modern days, our country at its most shameful time.  We have turned our backs on our friends and befriended our enemies. We call the Constitution "silly" and say that it`s outdated and needs to be changed. We want to get rid of freedom of speech by limiting what we say, calling what we don`t like "hate speech" and putting people in jail for burning a book while doing nothing to condemn the barbarians who are "rightfully indignant" over its burning and therefore justified in killing people. beheading them, because someone in the west made them angry. We have become a nation of fools, of appeasers, of cowards who would stifle free speech on ourselves but allow those who would see our freedoms destroyed, to say whatever they wish, and to do whatever they will because they do it in the name of "God." But is it god, or is it the devil? Does their book, a poorly written, repetitious novel, command more respect than a human being? The west is losing a war with islam and it does not need to lose.

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