Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Softer Side of Suicide

Islam in New Zealand BookLaunch by abdullah.drury
The Softer Side of Suicide
Cute kid, great smile. He's lucky to be alive and happy--not so lucky for the Israeli family killed by the teachings of this religion--killing both parents, stabbing a 4 year old boy twice in the chest, murdering an 11 year old while he read, and beheading a 3 month old infant. The chanting heard in colleges across North America, "From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free," is not about the plight of the poor Palestinians (a fictitious designation as there never was a Palestinian people--this is just an Islamic excuse to murder Jews), it is the Koranic decree to drive the Jews into the sea and have Israel all to themselves. 

Israel is the only civilized nation in the Middle East. The only place where the land bears the real fruits of labour and where there is true democracy and freedom. Yet the useful idiots, the student puppets of CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood, believe the leftist nonsense, perpetuated by the media, unfortunately, and are calling the Israelis the war criminals. These kids need to broaden their perspectives, maybe check out both sides of the media, and form a more informed opinion. But kids still think they know everything, and they will always protest against the status quo because that's how they find themselves. I just hope this cute Muslim kid from New Zealand becomes nothing like his religion wants him to be. It isn't Muslims who are evil--it's Islam and those Muslims who are the real believers that are truly evil. What they want, and what their religion tells them to do, is genocide. And let me tell you something, genocide isn't pretty. Killing babies isn't okay, it isn't justified and it is pure evil. And doing it while screaming "Allahu Akbar" doesn't make it any less evil--it only speaks of the religion that demands it.

Sorry about the lack of humour in this blog today--just had to get it off my hairless chest.

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