Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kissing Down and Kissing Up

Israel is the little island of democracy in a sea of tyranny, and the frightening thing is that the leftists don't care. Not one Democrat will stand up and retract the Goldstone Report that even Goldstone himself has retracted, (much less the New York Times, who printed the report) stating that he realizes now, several years later, that his findings in which Israel was said to be the killers of innocent civilians in Gaza was not true. It's obviously the other way around.

The left hates Israel and they now openly show it. Obama is the first president who does not support Israel but bows to Saudi King Abdullah and has read from Islam's hadith and has friends like Bill Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, and the good folks at CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations, a front for the Muslim Brotherhood. CAIR gave money for Obama's campaign and met privately with his campaign officials. Larry Shaw, the CAIR Chairman, stated: "We look forward to partnering with the Obama administration." and provided Obama with a resume book containing the resumes of Muslims applying for sensitive positions in the administration--Obama hired Egyptian-born Dalia Mogahed as his adviser on Islamic affairs. She will brief him on what Muslims want from the US and she joins two other full-time Muslim hires in the White House. 

While CAIR is filed as a non-profit, tax-exempt organization 501 (c) (3) and cannot legally lobby, it lobbies more than most lobby organizations. The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a sister organization of CAIR (who probably would hate the designation 'sister' since Islam is so misogynistic), at their pre-election dinner, just prior to the presidential election during Obama's run for office, clearly endorsed Obama in his speech stating: "Before we go on to the next question, I think I have the responsibility to remind everybody at ISNA, as a tax-exempt organization, does not support any particular political candidate for office," said Asad M. Ba-Yumas, the moderator. "That being said, you all know who we really support." He then gave a wink and nod as the ballroom erupted into laughter and applause while Congressmen Ellison and Carson, the Muslim congressional contingent, were seen clapping like seals at a fish-fest. And anyone who knows anything about CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood, know that Ellison continues to have ties to them while Carson has broken away from CAIR due to their bad publicity with the Holy Land Foundation hearings in which CAIR was deemed to be an unindicted co-conspirator. The most recent news, you may be aware of, is that Obama and Holder may be involved with the continuance of the trial with CAIR by the squashing of the terror prosecutions against the organization. But that's for another day and that day should be coming soon.

America, wake up. Obama is not for the interests in the USA and is the weakest president we ever had. He speaks well but that's where it ends. He may not be a Muslim, but as Pamela Geller has often said, he has done nothing as president that a Muslim would not have done. We must fight the creeping Shariah law that is worming its way into our freedoms as Americans. If not you, then who? If not now, then when?

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