Saturday, April 16, 2011

Don't Even Go There

So I'm in the gym running on the treadmill and the place is empty save for an old friend and a few others just working out. I have a library book with me, Muslim Mafia by Gaubatz and Sperry, and I'm reading it as I run (actually, I really don't run like I used to but I sure can walk). Then some people enter, a tall guy with his girlfriend/wife--he looks like he might be Middle Eastern and she is probably Canadian, but who cares? I go to the overhead weight machine and I notice him noticing my book for a second, and eventually I finish my workout and Andrew, the trainer and friend of mine, comes out to greet me in front of the building to inform me that this guy went to the front desk person to complain that my library book "is offensive" to him. The guy never approached me and I thought this was rather interesting. Here I am, this elderly man (in my 60s) and here he is, a guy probably in his late 20s or low 30s and he says nothing to me directly, but goes to the "authority" to complain. This is cowardly Shariah and it rots. Complain to the public library if you don't want me reading about Islamic terrorism in public--especially when the book is a factual undercover account of CAIR, the Council on American-Islamic Relations and how they are tied into the leading terrorist organization, the Muslim Brotherhood, founded by Hassan al-Banna in 1928 and who said: "The Noble Quran appoints the Muslims as guardians over humanity and grants them the right of domination over the world in order to carry out this sublime commission. It is their duty to establish sovereignty over the world." Now if this guy thinks that it's offensive for me to read about the goals of the Muslim Brotherhood with its myriad sister organizations, like CAIR, Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Students Association, Muslim Arab Youth League, etc., that's just too damned bad. If he approached me like a man I would have told him that what offends me are people who would try to take away my freedom to read or speak what I choose. I would also say that the koran offends me because it is anti-Semitic, anti-Christian, anti-woman, anti-lesbian, anti-gay and anti-freedom, but I don't say that a person should not read it in front of me, for that is the person's right to do so. In Canada, like the USA, freedom is something we take for granted but we better start thinking differently about that now. Islam would take away these freedoms through the implementation of Shariah law. I refuse to be an appeaser, a Dhimmi, as they call them. I refuse to give up my right to read what I want and say what I want. They are trying to chip away at us, little by little, asking for a prayer room in a school, then asking for special prayer time. They want to have us teach our kids Islamic history in our schools, forgetting about the separation of church and state. And they think of themselves as superior. In Gitmo, soldiers are not allowed to touch a koran with their hands and must use gloves--this is because they think of non-muslims as equivalent to urine and feces. Don't take my word for it--read--read--read--and read anything you want while you still have the chance.

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