Friday, February 7, 2025

Transgenders detransitioning hits an amazing high: 3000%!

The rate of "detransition" of people who had their genitals mutilated was around 1% but suddenly jumped to 30% and because of this, WPATH transgender doctor Amaya Deakins is calling for WPATH to begin research and develop standards of care for gender dysphoric people who began gender-affirming "care" [a useful euphemism for cutting off body parts to make the victim to sort of appear to be the opposite gender], and later came to regret it.  

Deakins tweeted: 
Should receive support and treatment just like those who transition. I do not want anyone to be harmed by the practice of #GAC However this appears to be the case for some adolescents. I call on @wpath leadership to develop detrans psychological And medical treatment protocols.— Dr. Amaya Deakins (@amayadeakins)
Just about a year ago, Deakins was on the opposite side of this issue, claiming that the number of people who decided against continuing their transition was tiny. This view supported the general lack of interest in finding non-medical treatments for gender dysphoria and in developing care standards for those who regret their "treatments."

Now, the rate of detransition is up to 30%, but Deakins says, "But don’t worry your experience is 'valid'."

I wonder why they're admitting this now? I wonder what's coming that has them scrambling to cover their tracks.

It was just about a year ago that Deakins was on the other side of the issue, asserting that the rate of desisting was minuscule, which justified the near-indifference to finding ways to treat people with gender dysphoria without resorting to medical treatment and for ignoring developing standards of care for people who regret their "treatments."
Now it’s 30%. But don’t worry your experience is “valid”.
I wonder what has them admitting this? I wonder what is coming that they are now scurrying around trying to run cover. [link] [image]— Audra Worlow  (@audrawrongspeak) February 1, 2025
Most people aren't aware, but doctors who specialize in gender transition rarely, if ever, treat those who decide to detransition, leaving them in a medical limbo. As Deakins admits, there are no standards of care, even though he acknowledges that detransition rates are 30 times higher than what WPATH usually recognizes.

Most people don't know, but gender-bending doctors rarely, if ever, treat people who decide to abandon their "transition"--leaving such people in a medical limbo. As Deakins points out, there are no standards of care, despite his own admission that detransition rates are 30x what WPATH generally acknowledges.
I absolutely believe that we (healthcare providers) must be and do better. I call for increased research in all facets of GAC And to investigate wether there's any validity to the AGP phenomenon I feel @wpath must develop standardized psychotherapy treatments and getting gender— Dr. Amaya Deakins (@amayadeakins) January 31, 2025
The strong ideological beliefs of activists in the LGBTQ+H2O community have led to the false claim that detransition is rare. In reality, the numbers might be much higher because follow-up rates are very low, and many patients just disappear from the system. They also argue there's no need to care for de-transitioners because they supposedly don't exist.

Deakins is right to criticize his colleagues, but this change in tune is likely because the reality is now too clear to ignore, and sticking to the old story could end careers. The ideology surrounding these issues is falling apart fast, and it might soon be viewed as one of the largest medical scandals in recent history. Best to address it head-on now.

It's not like this was a hidden fact. For years, people hurt by these treatments have been asking for help and being ignored. Anyone involved with WPATH or following this issue knew this was the case.

But there was too much money and influence at stake to admit the truth.

It wasn't a surprise to Dr. Deakins that the regret rates were far higher than the 1% he claimed in 2023. He just couldn't admit it then because the ideological environment wouldn't allow it.

We're now in the phase where truths can finally be told, and those involved are starting to distance themselves from the controversy.

Let's hope they face the consequences, metaphorically speaking.

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Transgenders detransitioning hits an amazing high: 3000%!

The rate of "detransition" of people who had their genitals mutilated was around 1% but suddenly jumped to 30% and because of this...