Wednesday, December 4, 2024

Kamala Hahaharris begs for money to bail out her dismal campaign annihilation

"Can you help out? Your money will bail me out this time."

Instead of trying to raise money to bail out Minnesota Freedom Fund protesters who were jailed for protesting illegally after George Floyd's death, now Kamala Harris, the failed Democratic presidential candidate and currently MIA VP is trying to raise $20 million for the overspending she created in her campaign expenditures. It seems like $1,500,000,000 wasn't enough to blow in just 15 weeks.

Of that money wasted away, more than $654,000,000 was spent on ads from July 22 to Election Day, and there were high-profile events with paid celebrities on the eve of the election costing over $10,000,000. The incredibly Reverend Al "You're a Racist" Sharpton's organization got two payments of $250,000, Oprah's company, Harpo Productions, got about $2,500,000 to endorse the cackling loser, Megan Thee Stallion was allegedly paid $5,000,000 and she didn't even perform Wet A** Pu**y for the crowd. Then there was Eminem who allegedly received $1,800,000 and a woman named Beyoncé allegedly receiving $10,000,000. And finally, who can forget Lizzo who may have received $3,000,000, but there was no clear evidence to support that claim.

But with all that money in the Democrat's coffers, Kamala Harris ended up being $20,000,000 in debt. And that's because it was never her money to spend--it was her donors' and many of them are pissed.

Now the alleged Vice President is still trying to extort donors for money, weeks after her landslide loss, leaving supporters spent.

“With Trump nominating MAGA loyalists left and right, there is nothing more important than making sure we can fight back and hold him accountable,” read an email from Kamala HQ, the New York Post reported.  “That’s why we need you to step up today. Yes, today.”

“Our records show that you haven’t pitched in to support our Harris Fight Fund program yet,” the missive scolded. “We know the election didn’t turn out as we’d hoped, but we’re not backing down.” 

The nonstop squeegie panhandling was pure Harris as it alienated Democrats who donated and/or voted for her. She has absolutely no political instincts nor the common sense to use common sense.

“Getting fundraising requests after any candidate has lost, when they admit that they are still millions of dollars in debt, having blown through over a billion dollars … is especially galling,” Democratic strategist Jon Reinish told the newspaper.

“When I got yet another request form the Harris campaign for me to pony up. Quiet frankly I thought it was insulting,” Reinish added.

More than half a billion dollars went to just four well-connected Democratic media consulting shops, according to records and reports. 

Money well wasted.

None of Harris’ funding emails mention any of the spending or the campaign committee’s alleged financial woes.

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