Friday, September 6, 2024

Kamala Harris: 10 issues she may have "Trumpified"

With Kamala Harris having to walk back most everything she believes that will hurt her presidential chances, most of us wouldn't be surprised if she sleeps with Stormy Daniels and dyes her hair just to give the illusion she's like Trump only black and a woman.

Harris has walked back on so many issues, it's hard to take her seriously. I suspect if she wins the presidency, she will do exactly what she wants, and that's to follow her estranged father's socialist philosophy and Make America Ache.

1. She was outspoken about banning fracking during her 2020 short-lived campaign that ended up getting her zero primary votes. But now she pretends her stance has changed and no longer supports a ban. Some people will believe her and others will be happy if it does change back to the ban. Kamala is now getting in line with the more centrist Democrats in her fake approach to energy policy and tut-tuts global warming, at least until the second week in November. 

Do you trust her?

2. She has also proposed a smaller increase in long-term capital gains tax rate compared to what Biden suggested. This is a change from her former stance of taxing the wealthy. And now while supporting an increase in corporate tax, she sees how unpopular it is, and has suggested a lower tax hike than previously discussed.

3. In a move to kick the Second Amendment in the butt, she supported mandatory buy-back programs for "assault weapons" but her new 'elect me, guys' stance is less aggressive because she has no other political philosophy than to get elected by any means necessary. Her current stance focuses more on background checks and other less controversial measures. But it isn't background check improvement that's so needed, it's the enforcement of the laws that are already in place.

4. Harris and health care are a fiscal joke. She once supported Medicare For All and a single-payer health care system, which would end private health insurance, remove people's choices for health care, and destroy thousands of jobs. Suddenly, her campaign claims she no longer supports this, but Harris herself has not stated this openly. 

Do you trust her?

5. For Harris, the ability for mothers to kill their babies in the womb has always been a soft spot in her heart. While she still believes women have the right to do this right up to the baby's crowning she is now emphasizing these rights as a large focal point of her campaign. 

6. Back when she was first running for president, she wanted to decriminalize illegal border crossings. But with Trump going full-on border defense, Harris believes she has evolved and suddenly supports stronger border controls and enforcement, at least for now. Maybe even a wall on the southern border. 

Do you trust her?

7. She had, but no longer has, a federal jobs guarantee initiative that was part of her Green New Deal proposal. Harris loves her some Green New Deal--it's what daddy would have wanted, although he's nowhere to be found. 

8. In an effort to kick capitalism in the symbolic nuts, Harris was for a mandate for automakers to build only electric and hydrogen vehicles by 2035. While it's not certain whether she is still for it or against the idea, once she's in office [heaven forfend] anything is possible.

Do you trust her?

9. Slavery reparations were also big for the giggling Vice President. In this case too, her position is unclear and since she wasn't asked in the only powder puff interview she had [for 16 minutes] it's likely she's still for it. Who knows where she stands since she hides from the disinterested media.

10. But the most important issue she was dead set to impose on the American people was the banning of plastic straws to save the environment. Never mind that plastic bags, plastic pens, and so on, are not being banned, but Axios recently reported that Kamala Hahahaharris is no longer for the ban.

Sip away.

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