Thursday, February 8, 2024

Drone strike kills another Iran-supported terrorist leader in Baghdad

A U.S. drone strike totaled a car in Baghdad Wednesday killing three members of the Kataib Hezbollah terrorist group, including a top-ranking commander, officials said.

The strike was on a main street in the Mashtal neighborhood and a crowd gathered around when emergency response teams came to go through the wreckage hoping to find something of value.

A U.S. official who knows what he's talking about said that a senior Kataib Hezbollah commander was targeted in a U.S. strike on Wednesday in Iraq. The official was not authorized to comment publicly and requested anonymity because with our open southern borders, you don't know who might be sneaking in and trying to take out the official.

One of the trio killed was Wissam Mohammed [there's a surprise last name] "Abu Bakr" al-Saadi. He was in charge of the Kataib Hezbollah operations in Syria, so they're going to need to replace him with another person to target with a drone.

Wissam Mohammed is survived by his 3 wives, 13 beautiful children, and 2 goats. He plans to spend the rest of his time diddling 72 brown-eyed virgins.

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