Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Rachel Maddow says USA doomed if Trump wins again: she's blowing smoke

It looks like the United States of America was able to sneak past destruction when former President Donald Trump was President Trump. We almost became the Untied States of America and only by incredible luck were we able to make it past the four years of his term. Thankfully, Joe Biden somehow pulled an historical number of votes from his nether regions to defeat him in the last election and win the presidency by a whisker.

At least that's what MSNBC anchor Rachel Maddow [aka: Rachel Madcow] thinks. 

Maddow claimed Monday that Trump's re-election pitch is that he will end politics in the country if given the opportunity. 

Evidently, his former term as President proves her point. There were no wars started, the economy was getting into high gear, jobs were plentiful, and our enemies weren't doing enemy things. So Trump's track record somehow scares Maddow because he's Trump.

"Donald Trump is not leading the Republican Party and leading the Republican field of candidates because of his youthful vigor or because of his eloquence. None of that is going on," Maddow told Psaki, the former ginger White House press secretary for President Biden and her current colleague at MSNBC.

Biden, however, is leading the Democratic Party and his leftist colleagues because of his youthful vigor and eloquence, except when he can't walk up a flight of stairs, find his way offstage, or speak two sentences consecutively.

Maddow argued that Trump is increasingly being honest about his dictatorial ambitions to his base, [unlike Biden who never met an executive order he didn't override, or law he didn't uphold as dictator].

"What he's offering is what he both inherently offers and now, more and more, explicitly offers, which is that ‘if you pick me, that’s the end of politics,'" Maddow claimed.

The MSNBC anchor summarized the deal that American voters would get in the scenario that Trump wins the 2024 election and causes, in her view, the collapse of the American political system, because that's the tune the left always whistles to scare the public.

"You won't have to deal with politics anymore. You won't have to deal with contested elections. You won't have to deal with contests or divisions when it comes to power. You'll have a strongman leader, and I'll just do what I want. Won't that be a lot simpler?" Maddow said, paraphrasing Trump's re-election pitch, which she purposely takes out of context.

Doesn't Maddow understand the system of checks and balances and the fact that he was President once before and that didn't happen or even come close to happening? If he wins, he can only serve one term as President and there is no way he, or anyone in that position can become a dictator? 

"That's what he's offering," Maddow falsely claimed. "That strongman model is what the Republican base is enthused about. That sets him apart from every other Republican candidate. And I think that we're naive to think that he's tricking people into picking him and then surprised that he's going to act like a dictator."

"What's he's offering is strongman leadership, the end of politics, the end of elections" and the "sidelining" of major branches of government, like Congress and the Judiciary, Maddow said. "He'll be the man in charge and he'll get it done."

"That's what he's selling and that's what they're very eager to buy," she added, referring to Republican supporters of Trump who the Left gladly demonizes. 

Trump made it clear that he and the GOP are not planning to end democracy.

Trump said in a speech hosted by the New York Young Republican Club that claims that he is a threat to democracy are a "hoax" and a "new idea."

Trump went on to say that Democrats and the media "think the threat to democracy will save Biden from having created the worst inflation in our country's history, a fragile economy, that may soon end in a depression like 1929 … We are very, very close to a depression, the likes of which you have never seen. We owe $36 trillion and this guy has no clue."

All the Democrats have is fear and identity politics because their policies have only made things worse. Just visit California's big cities for starters.

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