Sunday, January 28, 2024

Border Patrol turns on senile old man: will support Texas National Guard

When you're too cognitively impaired to be embarrassed after trying to marry two complete sentences together, or fall up or down stairs, or get lost at the podium after trying to read a teleprompter but fail miserably, that isn't a good look. But when you're the President of the United States of America, that's dangerous. 

That's Joe Biden.

Now we have to be concerned that there's going to be a major conflict at the Texas border with Mexico after Biden's ultimatum to remove the state's National Guard from Shelby Park and other "disputed" areas was made.

Obama, for all his leftist faults, was right about Joe when he told us to "never underestimate Joe's ability to f**k things up."

It has gotten to the point where the U.S. Customs and Border Patrol has made it clear that they will not intervene on Biden's behalf. The Border Patrol Union posted, and a report from Fox News' Griff Jenkins, say that the alleged President has "lost operational control of the situation," at least in a practical way.
The Biden administration initially warned Texas that it had until mid-day Friday, January 26, to relinquish control of Shelby Park, the nearby boat dock, and the International Bridge. Screw states right and the 'alleged' invasion.

The deadline has passed and there has been no clash between the [federal] Border Patrol and the Texas National Guard--the two groups have de-escalated the situation.

The Border Patrol Union blasted Biden for creating the current "catastrophe" and reiterating that there will be no conflict between CBP agents and state forces. The statement is a clear signal of support for the Texas National Guard, its mission, and those leading it, including Gov. Greg Abbott.

So take the embarrassing loss, Joe--you'll forget about by tomorrow.

The rank-and-file of the Border Patrol agents stated that they appreciate and respect what TX has been doing to defend their state in the midst of this catastrophe that the Biden Admin has unleashed on America.

They added that they want to be "perfectly clear, there is no fight between rank-and-file BP agents and the TX NG, Gov. Abbott, or TX DPS. It may make flashy headlines, but it simply isn't true."

A senior CBP official said that they have no plans to follow through on removing the razor wire put up by Texas.

Biden has 'no hand'; no leverage at all now that Americans are fed up.

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