Monday, July 17, 2023

Real estate magnate pulls back on six figure donation at AZ State U.

A real estate mogul who had donated millions to Arizona State University over the last twenty years, isn't going to be donating anything to them in the immediate future after faculty at the school condemned a staff member for organizing an on-campus event featuring prominent conservatives.

Scottsdale investor Tom Lewis said he wouldn't go through with his annual $400,000 pledge to the school's honors college, where he has a center in his name.

Lewis' decision came after one of the faculty said the school fired her for inviting Dennis Prager, Charlie Kirk, and Robert Kiyosaki to speak on campus, all conservatives who strongly believe in women's rights, unborn babies rights to live, free speech, smaller government, two genders, and a strong military, for starters.

Lewis cited "left-wing hostility and activism" on campus and among ASU staff the factor pushing him to rescind his financial support.

Over 20 years, Lewis has donated millions to ASU and has developed the T.W. Lewis Center for Personal Development, which is part of ASU’s Barrett, The Honors College.

It was in late June that Lewis pulled the money after he learned that an event organized by Ann Atkinson, the T.W. Lewis Center's executive director, was fired in February for attempting to give voice to conservative points of view by organizing the event.

That month, around three dozen Barrett anti-First Amendment faculty members signed a petition to the honors college dean condemning the on-campus event featuring the conservative speakers. The were afraid to allow another opinion to be voiced as it might influence the minds of those students who aren't easily 'taken in' by socialism's empty promises.

The petition referred to the speakers as "purveyors of hate," but apparently the signers never actually listened to anything the trio ever had to say because quite the contrary, all the speakers listed above are the exact opposite. But students never know that because they aren't exposed to what they have to say.

Barrett faculty chair Jenny Dyck [pronounced "Dick"] Brian told a local news affiliate that she and her colleagues had an issue with the honors college appearing to endorse the event. She stated, "I didn't have a problem with them speaking, but the event was being advertised in Barrett's name with Barrett's logo... We wanted to make it clear that we were not endorsing the event."

The event took place in spite of the left's fascistic tactics and there was no problems noted. But just several months later, Atkinson was fired.

How frightened is the left of the ideas of the right that they would allow a person to lose their livelihood over a difference in ideology?

In a statement following her termination, Atkinson suggested ASU fired her for bringing the right-wing speakers on campus, and said in a public statement: "ASU claims to value freedom of expression. But in the end the faculty mob always wins against institutional protections for free speech."

ASU denied Atkinson’s termination was politically motivated in a statement it gave on June 20, claiming her exit was prompted by Lewis pulling his donation, cutting funding for her job, which was a lie.

However, Lewis’ press release, which came after both Atkinson’s and the faculty's, blasted the university for its hostility to conservative thought, providing that as the reason he was done funding the center.

But no worries for the school--Saudi Arabia would love to fund them if the school is willing to ask and allow them some, you know, influence.

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