Thursday, June 22, 2023

Biden reveals sensitive info on China to the press

Alleged President Joseph Robinette Biden gave a group of U.S. officials a case of the willies after he mumbled sensitive intelligence information about  the Chinese spy balloon with a room full of donors. Maybe he was 'thinking', "Since you're going to give me a gift of money for my reelection, I'll tell you some secrets nobody else can hear, man."

There were 130 people at a fundraiser in California on Tuesday where Biden said that Chinese President Xi Jinping was embarrassed after the United States shot down the Chinese spy balloon off the coast of South Carolina in February. [H/T Fox News Digital]

"The reason why Xi Jinping got very upset in terms of when I shot that balloon down with two boxcars full of spy equipment in it is he didn’t know it was there," Biden reportedly mumbled at a private Kentfield home on Tuesday. "No, I’m serious. That’s a great embarrassment for dictators when they didn’t know what happened."

Now if Biden really believed that Xi was clueless about the spy equipment being there, he is an idiot. But if Biden thinks you believe that Xi didn't know the spy equipment was there, he's still an idiot. 

U.S. officials in attendance couldn't believe the nonsense Biden spouted at a campaign event, as former newspaper The New York Times wrote, citing an anonymous source confirming Biden really said that.

Our brain addled President also referred to Xi as a dictator during the event, which properly prompted perfunctory anger from Chinese officials.

This is why the Democrats do not want Joe Biden campaigning out in the open without someone having written down what to say. Whenever Joe shoots from the hip, so to speak, he blows off another toe. 

Biden's handlers also did not respond when asked if a campaign event was an appropriate setting to share sensitive information that does not appear to have been publicly released by the intelligence community.

Biden's blundering oversharing came just days after he mush-mouthed that the spy balloon fiasco "was more embarrassing than it was intentional" for China. 

No Joe, they weren't embarrassed by their intentional spying attempt, they were upset they were caught while also happy they got the information they wanted before the Biden administration got off their collective duffs and shot the damn thing out of the American skies.

"China has some legitimate difficulties unrelated to the United States, and I think one of the things that balloon caused was not so much that it got shot down, but I don't think the leadership knew where it was, knew what it was in it and what was going on," Biden said Saturday, hoping the 'rubes' would believe his balderdash. "I think it was more embarrassing than it was intentional."

And I think you ought to check to see if you need to change your skivvies, Jack.

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