Sunday, April 16, 2023

Anheuser-Busch CEO behind Bud Light "Apology" is a Former CIA Handler

QUESTION: Why does beer go through your system so quickly?
ANSWER: Because it doesn't have to change color.

Anheuser-Busch CEO Brendan Whitworth is the guy who tried and failed to quash the angry controversy behind Bud Light's new spokesman, Dylan Mulvaney, who is cleaning up on acting like a cartoon version of a silly girl.

But before Whitworth was a CEO, he was an officer in the CIA's counterterrorism center recruiting and handling intel informants, according to The Official Board. So evidently, he is somewhat familiar with disguises for spying, and found a guy disguised as a happy-go-prissy chick who he could hire to help stop the bleeding of the brew that tastes like a mouthful of 'someone peed in the pool.'

But in response to all the negativity the company received after Whitworth penned a saccharine 'apology' after Bud Light VP Alissa Heinerscheid said that the brew would no longer cater to "frat guys," the frat guys and their friends stopped drinking Bud Light and the company lost over $5 billion in a week. 

The irony is that Heinerscheid was a frat gal herself, but seemed to have forgotten her past or maybe came to despise her college friends. 

Alissa blowing up condoms, getting drunk, having fun as a frat gal

Whitworth didn't actually apologize. “We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people,” he said in a statement Friday. “We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer.”

Except for the frat guys, I guess.

The statement contained no mea culpa and no mention of Mr. Mulvaney or the radical gender dysphoria he espouses and has become a wealthy spokesperson for about 18 companies since donning a dress and layers of makeup.

Bud Light had at one time been the country's most popular beer, especially for those who have no idea as to what beer is supposed to taste like. However, many have rejected the brand as well as other beer brands owned by Anheuser-Busch. If you would like to boycott them, here they are:

And among their craft beers [aka beers that don't taste like Bud Light] there are these labels:

Whitworth, 46, is a Harvard Business School graduate who is registered as a Republican but thinks like a Democrat and possibly even votes that way. He also served time in the Marines as an officer after which time he worked for the CIA from 2001 to 2006.

Daily Wire Editor Emeritus Ben Shapiro tweeted Friday, “Anheuser-Busch CEO has now released a statement in which he addresses zero of the problems with hiring a man cosplaying as a woman to sell cheap beer to a predominantly male audience.”

Of note is that Whitworth's apology-devoid-apology actually has the LGBTQ+1/WTF community as upset as the frat boy community and other non-transgender community folks.

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