Saturday, January 14, 2023

Mayor Lightfoot is sorry for trying to recruit school kids to work for her campaign for credit

Chicago Mayor Lori "Beetlejuice" Lightfoot (D) says she sorry for emails she had her campaign send out to Chicago Public School teachers to recruit student "volunteers" and get class credit in the bargain.

Lightfoot said Thursday her staff didn't work with the school system to get out the emails asking teachers to share a form encouraging students to volunteer in exchange for class credit, but she pretended to apologize.

"There was zero, zero coercion, coordination or anything else between the campaign and Chicago Public Schools," the former beauty queen hopeful said. "Zero. I want that to be abundantly clear."

The anemic apology came one day after a news report about the email, which also went to City Colleges staff, and now the city and school district inspector generals are gathering information to see if any policies were violated, according to WBEZ Chicago.

Though Lightfoot personally apologized, she threw a young staffer under the bus to save her own butt, the news outlet also reports.

“It was a mistake," Lightfoot said, sounding like Prince Harry by never taking any blame. "She understands it was a mistake."

Lightfoot said she only learned about the matter Wednesday afternoon. And if you believe that, I have a talking turtle you might be interested in.

However, City Colleges released a statement Thursday saying they notified Lightfoot's campaign about the emails in August, when staffers first received them after being advised to do so by their Ethics Department. 

So she lied! 

"Volunteers are expected to devote 12 hrs/wk to the campaign. Students are eligible to earn class credit through our volunteer program," the form reads.

Lightfoot said a supervisor was aware of the efforts by the staffer, who was not fired, but she doesn’t think the campaign was aware of how the staffer would go about such efforts, the network reported.

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