Thursday, January 12, 2023

Compromised News Network cuts off McCarthy presser to keep the Left in the dark re: Schiff and Swalwell

On Tuesday, the Compromised News Network (CNN) did not want their dozen or so viewers to see and hear what House Speaker Kevin McCarthy had to say about Reps. Adam "Bugeyes" Schiff (D-CA) and Eric "Gasman" Swalwell (D-CA).

The network known for the most in sexual misconduct, misreporting and CNN+ began to carry the press conference at 11:11 a.m. ET. By then, McCarthy was already answering questions from reporters.

 At around 11:25, an unidentified female reporter and obvious Democrat challenged McCarthy's claim that House Democrats would be free to select which members of their party would serve on committees. As the correspondent put it, “[T]he other side will get to name their members. But that’s not true with the Intelligence Committee, is it? You said you’re going to let Democrats appoint their own members to the [Intelligence] Committee, but you’ve also indicated that you’re not going to let Congressman Swalwell…?”

Before she could continue her biased attack, McCarthy interrupted her, but the question was clearly referring to the Speaker previously saying he would prevent certain Democrats, such as Schiff and Swalwell from serving on committees and this was in direct conflict with his new statement that Democrats would “get to name their members,” hence the question.

He offered this explanation for the apparent inconsistency:

Let me phrase something very direct to you. If you got the briefing I got from the FBI, you wouldn’t have Swalwell on any committee. And you’re going to tell me other Democrats couldn’t fill that slot? He cannot get a security clearance in the private sector. So would you like to give him a government clearance?

… Not only was he getting a clearance, he was inside an Intel Committee. He had more information than the majority of all the members. Did you ever raise that issue? No, but you should’ve. You’re going to tell me there are 200 other Democrats that couldn’t fill that slot, but they kept him on it?

After a few more choice words about Swalwell, McCarthy switched targets: “Adam Schiff openly lied to the American public!”

Well, that got CNN to clutch the pearls Brian Stelter left behind and they pulled the plug on McCarthy before their dozen viewers had to hear any more facts about the scummy behavior of House Democrats.

Kate Bolduan of "At This Hour" quickly cut in: “All right, so we’re listening in to new House Speaker Kevin McCarthy... Let’s talk about some of what has been discussed already.”

Twitter followers of @TheGasMan felt a sigh [at least I think it was a sigh, well, it sort of sounded like a sigh] of relief.

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