Thursday, December 22, 2022

Another girl assaulted by trans student in HS bathroom: media mum

A male dressed as a woman got angry at a girl for not paying him attention. He followed her into the girls bathroom [where he is allowed to go because he wears girly things while still sporting a d**k] and asked her if she "wanted to fight." 

He proceeded to attack her with “clenched fists, pulled her hair and threw her on the ground.” A witness said the boy kicked the girl in the head and twice in the back. The witness tried to stop the male attacker but was punched in the face twice, resulting in a possible concussion.

CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, ABC, the NY Times and Washington Post forgot to report much about this story because of some reason they forgot to mention. The Washington Stand said that “no media outlet covered the altercation” that occurred in October until “the website Reduxx got a copy of the police report on December 12.”

“During the course of the investigation, it was discovered that one of the students involved in the fight is transgender and was using the women's restroom,” a spokesperson for the school wrote

The boy was new to the school and the faculty didn't know he had a penis, testosterone and other male attributes.

However, according to the Stand, Oklahoma Secretary of Education Ryan Walters (R) has cracked down on the trans bathroom policies in order to help prevent situations like this from happening again.

According to Walters, the attack is “unacceptable and will not be tolerated in the state of Oklahoma.” Other attacks that are unacceptable are: boys who identify as boys beating up on girls who identify as girls, transgender boys, who are really girls, being beaten up by transgender girls who are really boys, and gangs who beat up on individuals for their lunch money.

In a video on Twitter, Walters said that he would launch a state-level investigation about the high school where the attack took place and would require public schools in Oklahoma to keep bathroom policies transparent, but not the bathrooms themselves because that would be an invasion of privacy.

The Oklahoma governor and legislature passed a bill banning boys from going into girls' bathrooms to prevent these kinds of situations.

The pseudo-chick who attacked the girl has been charged with assault and battery, and disorderly conduct.

It's time for the woke who don't see the problem they've created, to remove their heads from their nether regions.


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