Sunday, November 27, 2022

Biden, a cheerleader for Venezuela: eases sanctions, encourages oil drilling

If you thought President Biden is an ineffective leader you would be mistaken. The problem is, his effectiveness isn't about helping the United States, it's about helping the socialist country of Venezuela. Although the Biden administration is killing America's oil industry, raising prices at the pump, he is hoping to make Venezuela great again.

So Biden is lifting some of the sanctions on Nicolás Maduro, one of the worst socialist tyrants on earth, and Venezuela's oil giant PDVSA, a company which Russia mainly owns. This will allow more oil to flow from Venezuela and be exported globally where energy is depleting at a frightening rate.

Now it's safe to assume that all of the crap Venezuela has pulled for eight years is just water under the bridge and the US will not have to go to the trouble of removing all that filthy oil from beneath our own soil. Get ready for negotiations and for us to draw the short end of the ugly stick.

The Treasury Department is permitting Chevron to resume “limited” energy production in Venezuela after years of sanctions that have dramatically curtailed oil and gas profits that have flowed to Maduro’s government. 

Earlier this year the Treasury Department again allowed the California-based Chevron and other U.S. companies to perform basic upkeep of wells it operates jointly with state-run PDVSA.

Under the new policy, profits from the sale of energy would be directed to paying down debt owed to Chevron, rather than providing profits to PDVSA.

So with all our untapped oil and Biden's refusal to allow the US to drill, we are instead allowing the Maduro dictatorship to cash in big time. It's funny [not] how Biden is making nicey nice to Maduro in spite of our standing with the legitimate president of Venezuela, Juan Guaido who was jailed for having won the presidential election over the current scumcrumpet heading the country. The same scumcrumpet who put many Americans in prison over the years he was in power.

But it's all politics for The Big Guy, just like it was all politics for him with the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia who he once called a "pariah" after the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi. Biden pretends to be tough, but he's like the pimply-face kid making internet threats on his keyboard.

Now that we're giving Venezuela the go ahead on oil production, Russia stands to gain and the war in Ukraine will not bode well for the home front.

But it's too late. The Treasury Department already authorized Chevron to increase drilling in Venezuela. 
[H/T Fox Business]

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Joe Biden is not like your grandpa. He isn't the sweet, exaggerating old man who you smile at, wonder where that odor is coming from, and take with a grain of salt. He is a dim witted narcissist who has always wanted to be President and has no idea what he's doing, and even where he's at. He will do anything, say anything and lie with a smile, only to help himself.

He is a danger

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