Saturday, October 22, 2022

Biden's brain short-circuits when asked what Jill thinks about him running in 2024

That look you get when you feel something going on below

Some call it zoning out, others call it a brain fart when alleged President Joe Biden was asked in an interview whether his illustrious wife, Doctor Jill Biden, wants him to run for reelection in 2024 when he will be 81 years and hopefully still able to convert oxygen into carbon dioxide rather than having the daisies do the opposite above ground.  

He would be 86 years old by the end of his second term, which would make him the oldest and worst president in history.

“I have not made that formal decision but it’s my intention . . . to run again and we’ll have time to make that decision,” Biden mumbled to MSNBC’s Jonathan Capehart when asked whether he plans on running again.

“Doctor [Jill] Biden is for it?” Capehart asked, his voice rising to indicate that it was a question, not an answer, so as not to confuse Joe, who has been known to mistake his wife for his sister.

Capehart waited and waited some more as an awkward silence floated in the air like flatulence in an elevator. Joe glanced downward toward his shoes as he sat confused in his chair. Who is this so-called Doctor Biden? he appeared to be asking himself. Funny, she has the same last name as me.

“Mr. President —,” the interviewer eventually said in order to wake him from his demented internal dialogue.

“Dr. Biden thinks that — my wife thinks that I, uh — that we’re doing something very important,” Biden finally said, after remembering who this so-called Doctor Biden is but forgetting what that important thing they're doing happens to be.

Biden has not officially said that he was going to run again as Democrats worry that he will. He was never considered to be bright, but with his dementia, even stupid is smarter than him. He clearly cannot get a sentence out without the help of a Teleprompter, and even then, it's a crap shoot as to whether he's going to read the words in the device without screwing them up.

Concerns about Biden's cognitive decline have increased by merely 13 points with Democrats due to their cognitive dissonance that can be attributed to their denial of what is obvious on a daily basis whenever Biden speaks or gets lost [at which time Doctor Jill Biden must grab him by the arm and usher him off stage]. 

This past September, a USA Today/Ipsos poll found that over half of Democratic voters think President Biden should not seek re-election in 2024, saying they want a change in the party, preferably someone who doesn't need adult diapers on the campaign trail.

In a Fox News poll published on Sunday, only 33% of Americans said they would ​vote to reelect the demented President if the 2024 election were held today while 54% said they would cast their ballot for another candidate. 

Also, 56% of voters said they believe Biden does not have the “mental soundness” to serve as president, while 40% who proudly display their cognitive dissonance on their sleeves say he does.​

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Biden reportedly told Rev. Al Sharpton that he will be running for re-election during a visit to the White House last month, to which Sharpton said that doing so is racist, "especially coming from a Whitey."

1 comment:

  1. Ahh yes Mr. Hoey. You are a world class story terrer (Snicker)


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