Sunday, June 12, 2022

The guy who says "shoot in the air" to scare off criminals tells gun owners they are a "danger to yourself"

"And number 2 . . . "

Calling Joe Biden an idiot is me holding back on what I really think of him.

The idiot mumbled at an event in Beverly Hills, Friday evening. It was a fundraiser with Democratic elites and other California fat cats. Biden, who clearly knows as much about guns as a blowfish knows about algebra, raised the issue of gun control as a major priority for him and the person behind the curtain telling him what to say. Not inflation. Not the supply chain. Not the price at the pump. Not his bowl-circling approval numbers. Guns.

Biden doesn't know which end of the gun the bullet comes out of but he knows they're scary enough that if someone is trying to break into your house, just fire you rifle in the air and that should scare the intruder off.

Unless he sees that you were stupid enough to waste a round and illegally fire it in the air, as if it won't come down. Yes, Joe Biden is an idiot.

During his mumblings, he told a story about what it was like when he was campaigning in Delaware after supporting a ban on certain semi-automatic weapons. He also spoke about magazine capacity limits in the 1990's and probably would have gone along with a law banning mass shooters from reloading a fresh magazine into the rifle.

Biden said that when gun owners would approach him and criticize him for trying to take their guns away, he would ridicule them for owning high-capacity semiautomatic rifles and he doesn't even know what 'semiautomatic' means.

“They’d say, ‘God darn, Joe, what the hell are you doing taking my gun away?'” Biden lied. “And I said, ‘Let me ask you a question.’ I said, ‘How many — when you go deer hunting, how many deer are wearing Kevlar vests?'”

Okay, maybe he goes beyond being a simple idiot. Maybe he's also a schmuck. What does a Kevlar vest have to do with the made-up question the made-up gun owner asked? Is every thought that wanders into his head a non sequitur? 

“‘By the way, if you need 30, 40, 60, up to 100 rounds to fire,’ I said, ‘you’re a danger to yourself, man,'” he continued, using a straw man argument implying that guns are only for hunting. After all, he was nea the bottom of his law class when he says he graduated, but maybe he should read the US Constitution.

During his remarks, Biden described himself as a gun owner, noting that he currently had a pair of shotguns and an entire staff of armed personnel ready to defend him instead of going hunting for deer.

“I’m a gun owner. I own two shotguns. My son Beau passed away. He had another shotgun,” he said. “We used to like to skeet shoot. We weren’t hunters.” 

Biden likes to bring up his dead son for his victim points, but I too have a dead son who was shot seven times. And I wish my son had a gun to defend himself, but he was living in a strict gun-control city and the guy with the gun didn't give a damn about the law. This is the first time I've mentioned Brian on my blog but I am sick of the crap the Left tries to sell us.

Biden lied, as he usually does, that most gun owners were typically more dangerous to themselves just by having a gun.

“More people get killed with their own gun in their home trying to stop a burglar than, in fact, any other cause,” he said. “Think about that. Because it’s hard to do. It’s a hard thing to do.”

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Having this demented house plant as president is an embarrassment. He lies whenever his mumbling begins--it seems like he isn't capable of being truthful. He lies about everything: from being accepted to the U.S. Naval Academy, to driving an 18-wheeler, to Cornpop, to how the Covid vaccine became available under his administration, and so on. It never stops.

Biden is a joke, but the joke is on all of us.

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