Justin Sullivan/Getty Images |
House Speaker Nancy "Hands-a-Flying" Pelosi (D-CA) pandered to cross-dressers and the woke who look up to them calling it "an honor" to appear on the latest episode of the drag queen show known as "RuPaul's Drag Race." It's a show in which men dress up as their cartoon version of what a woman is in an attempt to make the public think it's "cool" and "normal." In fact, they believe that young boys should follow their example and dress in drag too.
This show comes after previous dressing competition winners competed in a "tournament of champions," on May 20. Not surprisingly, many in the audience thought that Pelosi was a contestant until they recognized her when her hands got out of control.
She was so inspired by the contestants and their power that she dressed as a woman and told contestants that she was proud of them for some reason. She said they bring "joy and beauty" to the world [in spite of their gender confusion].
“Your freedom of expression of yourselves in drag is what America is all about,” the House speaker added. “I say that all the time to my friends in drag,” she said, referring to several House members who shall go unnamed.
“Your freedom of expression of yourselves in drag is what America is all about,” the House speaker added. “I say that all the time to my friends in drag,” she said, referring to several House members who shall go unnamed.
But then the favorite topic of the Left came up when Pelosi joked about her "shady sarcastic" disrespectful hand-clapping when the former President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, gave the nation's 2019 State of the Union Address.
The House Speaker admitted she had a brain fart saying that "It was completely unintentional." Her hands just did their own thing and her face always looks like it did that day.
While Pelosi may say she's honored to appear on the "RuPaul's Drag Race," many parents are angry over drag-themed events, such as "Drag Queen Story Hour" being performed at public libraries, that target their children. Some political figures, particularly those in the GOP, agree that men dressed as sexualized cartoonish-looking women, shouldn't have children sitting in their lap while reading to them.
But Pelosi and her Party seem okay with the grooming of children, so long as it gets her and the Democrats votes. Hopefully this will change this November.
The wasn’t Pelosi’s first rodeo with drag queens.
She was also on “RuPaul’s Drag Race” in 2018. “This idea of people believing in themselves, being themselves, taking pride in themselves, is not just a lesson for politicians but for everyone in the country. And that’s why I was so excited and couldn’t resist being on the show,” Pelosi told The Hollywood Reporter after her first appearance.
If people believed in themselves they wouldn't have to flaunt it and seek the approval of the rest of us. And what does believing in oneself really mean?
The House speaker, attempting to sound like AOC, also tweeted about her cameo on the show in 2018, writing, “All I can say is, you betta werk! Had a fabulous time with @RuPaul and good luck to all the queens.”
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At the time of Pelosi's 2018 appearance, then-President Trump tried to prevent gender dysphoric people from serving in the military and this was her way of trying to weaken our fighting forces. The policy went into effect under Trump but was overturned by Joe Biden, or at least by his handler behind the curtain.
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