Monday, May 2, 2022

MSNBC Stolen Valor Hack Busted: did not "fight" in Ukraine

MSNBC's Malcolm Nance a-LARPing he did go. Yes, the network's 'intelligence analyst' LARPed--Live Action Role Playing, that is. In April he pretended to go "fight" in Ukraine, but didn't have the gonads to actually physically go there to fight--he just pretended out loud to do that--it's safer that way.

Nance is an avid Trump-hater and was on the former President's case his entire term in office. In May last year, he proclaimed a coming Trump-led “terrorist and paramilitary insurgency.” Of course, that never happened, but nothing this BS artist says tends to be true.

Too bad the Department of Homeland Security hadn't tried to create a disinformation governance board back then, but now that they're trying their level best, perhaps its intended head, Nina Jankowicz, will call Nance out on his LARPing.

Nance is as phony as the Nigerian Princess, padding his fake credentials to pose as a former James Bond but with added military expertise. The guy has said more crap than a farmer's manure spreader, making bizarre predictions that anyone who knows his history wouldn't take seriously.

The poser appeared on racist Joy Reid's hate-filled ridiculous show and cosplayed as an operative ready to head out to Ukraine and fight the Russians. Then he went on social media and did the same act.
Nance: The more I saw of the war going on, the more I thought I’m done talking… So about a month ago I joined the international legion here in Ukraine…

— Acyn (@Acyn) April 18, 2022

I’m DONE talking. #JoinTheLegion #StopRussia #SlavaUkraini

— Malcolm Nance (@MalcolmNance) April 19, 2022

It turns out the dude doesn't have any fight in him and has been hanging out in "safe houses" and talking to the media about his heroism and being thanked by them for his service, not realizing that it's actually self-service.

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This is nothing less than stolen valor and Nance needs to be called out on it.

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