Saturday, May 14, 2022

Is the fix in at FOX?

According to Gateway Pundit's Jim Hoft, "Fox News is a shell of its former self."

Hoft makes this analysis based on the fact that FOX News refuses to cover the Dinesh D'Souza "2000 Mules" documentary. The film uncovers clear evidence of nationwide ballot trafficking by Democrats to steal the 2020 election, which The Gateway Pundit reported earlier.

Credit was given to Tucker Carlson for inviting True the Vote leader Catherine Engelbrecht on "Tucker Carlson Tonight," the day after the show premiered at Mar-a-Lago. But in spite of her appearance, she wasn't permitted to mention the name of the documentary on Carlson's show. 

Gregg Phillips, the top integrity investigator for the film told the audience at the premiere of the documentary that FOX's lawyers are banning the film from the channel. D'Souza also added that FOX News would not allow Catherine Engelbrecht to mention the name of her film in her interview with Tucker Carlson.

It seems obvious that FOX is afraid of a lawsuit, and have lost their way as a "fair and balanced" news outlet as they claim.

Holt went on to state that FOX News published a fraudulent list of 5 good things Joe Biden accomplished since coming into office offered by contributor Leslie Marshall.

The five items were: infrastructure, economic gains, NATO, lowering child poverty, and diversity at all costs.

1. Congress passed the infrastructure bill but nothing has been done and the border wall is still a dream because the bill doesn't even include it.

2, Economic gains is simply smoke and mirrors. Since Biden emerged from his basement [much like Chris Cuomo did when he had Covid] our inflation rate was at its highest level in over 40 years, with gas prices higher than ever recorded.

3. NATO was a joke until Trump forced nations to pay their fair share. Leslie Marshall, on the other hand, thought it was a good thing that Biden assisting Ukraine even though it can lead to World War 3.

4. Lowering the child poverty rate is an illusion due to the inflation rate: incomes may be high but inflation is higher which means Americans are poorer overall.

5. Diversity at all costs puts immutable characteristics and sexual preferences over intelligence, skill, and drive. It's a sacrifice that makes as much sense as a Biden speech off Teleprompter.

FOX News still has a few good shows like Gutfeld! and Tucker Carlson Tonight. But it isn't what they say, it's what they censor that puts them in the same class as CNN and the rest of the media clowns.

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Holt's final thoughts about FOX News is they "should be ashamed for publishing such outrageous propaganda. What an embarrassment for a once-great news channel."

Brain Flushings couldn't agree more. The question one must ask, is the fix in at FOX

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