Saturday, May 14, 2022

Does Putin have blood cancer, as the rumor goes?

According to several sources Russian President Vladimir Putin is "very ill with blood cancer." They claim to have heard it through a secret recording obtained by New Lines Magazine. Whether true or not, it pays to be very skeptical about it as it comes during a time of war between Russia and Ukraine, and it comes from Western media, which has lost most of its credibility with discriminating people.

As New Lines reported, the type of cancer Putin is alleged to have is unspecified. But remember, we've also heard that he may have Parkinson's and that too is unverified.

“The recording represents rare testimony by someone with proven ties to the Russian government that its fanatical dictator may well be seriously unwell,” the magazine stated regarding the comments made during a mid-March discussion with someone described as a “Western venture capitalist.”

“He absolutely ruined Russia’s economy, Ukraine’s economy and many other economies — ruined [them] absolutely,” the unnamed oligarch said of Putin on the tape. “The problem is with his head. … One crazy guy can turn the world upside down.” 

New Lines noted that Roman Abramovich, owner of the Chelsea Football Club in London, may have been poisoned in March on Putin's orders because he was critical of the Russian dictator. He was not the only person allegedly poisoned by the Russian leader.

The anonymous man is an energy tycoon currently located outside of Russia with a net worth that puts him on the list of the 200 richest Russian businessmen. He can be heard on the tape heatedly criticizing the invasion of Ukraine and questioning the purpose of the deaths of more than 15,000 Russian soldiers.

And he says “we all hope” Putin dies from his cancer or possibly from some intervention such as a coup, to spare Russia from further misfortune.

The businessman “had no idea he was being recorded,” on the 11-minute tape, New Lines said.

The outlet also claimed that they identified the man by his voice but withheld his name “because of the high probability disclosing it would lead to state retaliation,” noting Russia’s law that imposes 15 years in prison for spreading “fake news," something that would never happen here as we have Nina Jankowicz and the Ministry of Truth to oversee truth, justice and the thing.

The outlet stated that Roman Abramovich tried to negotiate a peace deal with Ukraine, and that eight other oligarchs  “have turned up dead since January,” including two purported to have murdered their wives and children before committing suicide, one in Spain and one in Moscow. [Also note: the Clintons both have alibis and are not suspect.]

Ukraine’s head of military intelligence also claimed Putin has cancer and suggested that a coup to remove the Russian leader is already underway. That, of course, could merely be propaganda, but it comes at the right time.

Maj. Gen. Kyrylo Budanov said the heavy death toll and wounded that Russian forces have suffered prelude a defeat by the end of the year and will “eventually lead to the change of leadership of the Russian Federation.”

“This process has already been launched, and they are moving into that way.”

The Times of London noted rampant speculation about Putin’s health after he was seen on several occasions walking with an apparent limp and a puffy face, suggesting that he’s being treated with steroids.

The Times also noted that on Russian Victory Day, Vladimir was wrapped in a heavy blanket. He is also accompanied by three physicians everywhere he goes, except to the toilet where they wait outside until he's done. 

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One of the doctors is a cancer specialist and it was reported that Putin bathes in the blood from the antlers of young reindeer as an "alternative treatment" he picked up in Siberia by someone who may have been playing a joke on him.

Moreover, the New Lines story pointed to a memo sent out to officers in the Federal Security Service (FSB), the successor to the Soviet KGB, telling them not to speculate about Putin’s health or “trust rumors about the president’s terminal condition.”

The instructions had the effect of "nothing to see here" convincing most FSB officers that Putin is ill, the magazine reported.

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