Sunday, April 24, 2022

Creator of "Libs of Tik Tok" lawyer talks about 'groomers': says he's perfect for the job

Mental disorders in technicolor

Boys have penises, girls have vaginas. Any six-year-old knows that, but today's four, five, six-year-olds and older children are being immersed in gender identity propaganda and other critical race theory garbage and their young brains get confused and they cannot critically analyze what they are being told. 

This is child abuse because it takes away the G_d given right of mothers and fathers to raise their children with the values they choose to teach them, and put this responsibility in the hands of people who have their own agenda which has nothing to do with the child's needs nor the parents' beliefs they wish to impart upon their young. It should be considered child abuse.

It is also attack against Abrahamic religions, although the perpetrators don't have the courage to attack the Islamic faith, for some reason.

The critical race theory and gender identity movement is an insult to people with common sense as well. The purveyors of this far-left nonsense knows that there is a difference between men and women but use the notion of gender to obfuscate the two. 

They allow for example, people whose sex is male but 'identified' gender is female to compete against biological females when it's obvious the difference in speed and power sports favor men, and hormones only changes the advantage that men have minimally; certainly not enough to remove the advantage.

Ron Coleman is a partner at the Dhillon Law Group, and is fed up with the nonsense. His firm represents “Libs of Tik Tok,” (LoTT) a Twitter account that merely reposts what far-left loons put on Tik Tok without editing any of the content. All this does is shine a light on their propaganda and they don't like it at all, and Coleman considers these people to be groomers.

The creator of LoTT remained anonymous until Taylor Lorenz, the Washington Post’s hypocritical internet "culture reporter" doxed her. She included her personal information, home and work addresses and posted it publicly. Lorenz then went on friendly MSNBC and tried to make herself the victim after the internet blasted her for her disgusting behavior. She claimed to have "severe PTSD" and pretended to cry, but she's a crappy actress and anyone who bought it would buy used toilet tissue.

Leftists, including Barack Obama, want to suppress the First Amendment because when they're challenged, they sound like ideologues who don't know what they're talking about. Remember, LoTT only posts content originally posted by leftist loons. It's their own words they posted on a public platform that scare them when it's reposted on Twitter where the audience is more diverse and the clips comprise a freak show forum. 

LoTT merely highlights what these freaks say about themselves.

Coleman, like the woman who runs LoTT, is an orthodox Jew who knows that lawyers who defend conservative causes face backlash but he has the courage to do it anyway. He has threatened legal action against those who post libelous tweets about the LoTT founder.

In one tweet he posted: 
Our firm has represented @libsoftiktok for some time.
The phony “tweet” shown below is false and defamatory. Our client never tweeted it.
Legal action is being contemplated. Anyone with information concerning the creator of this fake tweet is invited to contact me.

— Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) April 19, 2022
The leftists went on the attack, but the best they could do was:
 “Do you always choose to represent bigots?” 
Coleman responded: 
“Do you always choose [to] defend groomers?”
How can LoTT be bigoted when all they do is repost content? It's like the old saying, "Democrats want to shut up Republicans, while Republicans want Democrats to keep talking."

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* * *

But Coleman's best tweet hits the nail on the head:
Libs hate our client @libsoftiktok so much for tweeting about real TikToks they make up fake tweets – latest one shown below – to discredit her.
Maybe there’s work for these talented creators at @Disney?

Meanwhile, if you’re considering spreading this… you’re on notice⚖️

— Ron Coleman (@RonColeman) April 21, 2022
Coleman is a man of strong faith and is not afraid of the loony left. If this goes to court, the left is in big trouble. 

The left needs to get closer to G_d.

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