Wednesday, April 6, 2022

Convicted child rapist arrested for assault after Ketanji Jackson's light sentence

Supreme Court nominee and obvious leftist who sides with the perpetrators and not the victims, Ketanji Jackson, handed out a light sentence to a child rapist for violating probation . The perpetrator allegedly struck again during the time when prosecutors wanted him locked up. 

Biden's nominee handled sex offender Leo Weekes' case like she did all the others that came into her courtroom: with significantly lighter sentences than what is prescribed by federal law. The Weekes case emerged in a pile of court filings and transcripts sent tot he Senate Judiciary Committee Friday and the voting for her approval was a stalemate 11-11.

Jackson's practice of giving the lightest possible sentences to child pornography cases was pointed out by Republicans at her hearings. Nevertheless, three RINOs [Romney, Collins and Murkowski] said they will vote to appoint her to SCOTUS.

She has never had to actually face any of the victims or their families of sexual assault crimes; perhaps this explains her extreme leniency with the offenders. 

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In the Weekes case, that didn't involve child pornography--it's a rape case, and still Jackson showed inexplicable leniency and the scumbag went out and committed another crime.

But this is all a moot point because she is going to get the appointment anyway. Democrats only care about the "D" she represents, not the people she should be representing.

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