Thursday, February 17, 2022

Ousted San Francisco School Board member calls voters who ousted her "White supremacists"

When a leftist is challenged intellectually by a conservative [or anyone they disagree with] and is at a loss for words in the debate, the go-to default position is to shout "racist" or "white supremacist" at their opponent without any evidence whatsoever. It's getting so obvious that it seems to be losing some of its punch. 

One of the three San Francisco school board leftists of the San Francisco Unified School District Board of Education President Gabriela López, was ousted by voters for her incompetence. In response López said that voters who booted her out are "aligned with" White supremacists.

Does she even know one of them by name to make such a disgusting claim? Even if she knew a name, to make the implication that they're aligned with White supremacists is proof of a lazy thinking, and a poverty of ideas. 

López and her two fellow board members, Vice President Faauuga Moliga and Commissioner Alison Collins, were all voted out Tuesday in a landslide, with over 72% of voters opting to recall each of them. The others on the board are not yet eligible for recall but you can they're sweating.

"So if you fight for racial justice, this is the consequence," López tweeted along with a photo of a Washington Post headline that said she and the two other recalled board members were "seen as too focused on racial justice."

"Don’t be mistaken, white supremacists are enjoying this. And the support of the recall is aligned with this," López added.

The truth is, White supremacist probably don't follow this kind of news, but even if they did, others who are not in that category of lizard brain thinking, are glad she and her colleagues got what they deserved. It doesn't take a White supremacist to see incompetence when it shows its face.

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In a separate Medium post, López warned us that she will continue to be active in San Francisco's schools.

López sees herself on the intersectional hierarchy and believes she is in the victim class because she is a non-White woman and anyone who opposes her is a racist and/or White supremacist. This is the shield incompetent people use to immunize themselves from honest criticism, and the media helps them in the task--just look at our houseplant POTUS.

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