Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Lia Thomas' teammate reveal he doesn't always cover up his bat and balls in the locker room

Lia Thomas, formerly known as Will, is accused by a teammate of failing to cover up his penis and testicles when he's in the locker room of the UPenn Women's Swim Team, in which he is the dominating swimmer, for some reason. He is also able to beat all of the women on the team in arm wrestling.

The actual women on the team are uncomfortable having to change their clothing and shower in the locker room with this guy and his boys hanging out all over the place, according to a recent report.

According to the Daily Mail, one of the actual female swimmers is speaking out about the issues she and her teammates face after the school allowed a man who claims to be a woman to join the squad this year.

Thomas — who competed on the men’s team as Will Thomas for three years before realizing how mediocre he is competing against fellow fellas, took a hiatus. Then it dawned on him, "Hey, if I say I'm a woman the school will have to allow me to compete on the women's team or suffer the consequences.  I'll call myself 'Lia,' yeah, that's the ticket."

So Will joined the women’s team as Lia, his balls and best friend intact, and became the fastest fake woman on the team. But when he showers, his true gender is out there for the women to see. According to the Daily Mail, while he sometimes covers his bat and balls in the locker room, there has been “a decent amount of nudity,” on his part. 

The unidentified female swimmer told the outlet that the exposure has made the women on the team increasingly uncomfortable. She obviously has to remain anonymous because of the blowback she would receive is she identified herself.

The anonymous swimmer also said that Thomas admitted to his teammates that he is still attracted to women and that never changed even with his so-called "transition," a term that unscientifically implies that a person can change their gender. And the fact that this garbage human being is heterosexual adds to his creepy and unethical personality.

“It’s definitely awkward because Lia still has male body parts and is still attracted to women,” the swimmer said.

This goes beyond the basic unfairness of a man competing against women in a sport. These women are being forced to disrobe and shower with a man who says he is attracted to women just to satisfy the school’s desire to bow to the radical transgender agenda.

But let's not let the women off the hook. 

They could refuse to swim with Thomas in competition. It's easy for anyone to say, but if they're going to lose to this creep, they might as well make a public statement about it by simply refusing to swim. Sure they might get cut from the team, but the public outcry and support might change things for the better.

So much for the make believe 'women's movement.' They have lost all credibility with this issue as well as the treatment of women in Islamic countries, and the female genital mutilation Muslim women face even in Western countries.

The actual women have often asked the school to provide a separate facility for Thomas to wash himself but the school has thumbed their nose at the normal thought and ignored them. The source told the outlet that they  “were basically told that we could not ostracize Lia by not having her in the locker room and that there’s nothing we can do about it, that we basically have to roll over and accept it, or we cannot use our own locker room.”

The unnamed woman said Thomas “doesn’t seem to care how it makes anyone else feel.” This might be due to Thomas being an immoral, self-centered, unethical, narcissistic POS. 

She said the school has told the female swimmers to just stay quiet and take it. “The 35 of us are just supposed to accept being uncomfortable in our own space and locker room for, like, the feelings of one,” she said.

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“The school was so focused on making sure Lia was okay, and doing everything they possibly could do for her, that they didn’t even think about the rest of us,” the woman said, referring to Thomas as a 'her' rather than what 'he' is.

She also said that it “seems like Thomas enjoys” all the attention and controversy he has brought to the Penn swim team.

That's what narcissists do.

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