Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Howard Stern says of Djokovic: "They should throw him right the f*** out of tennis"

Tennis star Novak Djokovic’s visa was reinstated Monday, allowing the 20-time Grand Slam winner to participate in the Australian Open.

Shock jock jerk Howard Stern has called those who have not been vaccinated "imbeciles" also went after one of the greatest tennis players of all time: Novak Djokovic for his refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, a shot that has not been effective in preventing contracting or spreading of the coronavirus. Although the vaccine has been demonstrated to assuage severe symptoms in many instances, actually having the virus does as good, or eve. a better job, of dealing with it. 

Djokovic has already had Covid.

But the vaccine has, like almost everything in our culture, taken on political implications as have the mask mandates and all the additional restrictions the Biden administration has foisted on the people, so celebrities had to get in on the act because not to do so, might make them irrelevant. 

Stern naturally got into the act: “That f***nut [Djokovic],” he said on his SiriusXM radio show. “What a f****** a**hole.”

“The first I’ve heard of this guy is that he doesn’t want to get his vaccine,” Stern said angrily, as if he had skin in the game. “They should throw him right the f*** out of tennis. That’s it. Goodbye.”

Cancel culture has finally made it to SiriusXM radio in the form of douche bag Stern wanting someone to lose his career for not doing what he wants him to do. Stern thinks he's virtue signaling. He's actually dickweed signaling. 

What a nasty attitude to have against a person's right to choose. When it's "my body, my choice," that only seems to work for liberals when it's convenient for their point. And in that case of choice, it isn't only their body--it's the unborn child's body too--but not so with a choice of whether a person wants to put an untested vaccine into their body.

Don't misunderstand me--I took the Fauci Ouchie. I made my own risk assessment and decided for myself. That's the operant term: MYSELF.

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Anyway, Stern then questioned  whether Djokovic tested positive for COVID-19 at the beginning of the pandemic.

“He could be lying. He could be lying. He’s a d*****bag. He’s a f***er,” the potty mouth leftist said.

Stern has a huge radio following because of his uncensored vulgarity and his keen insight into women's body parts and how he convinces them to let him see them.

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