Sunday, January 23, 2022

Beto 'not interested' in help from a house plant or his vice president

Sweaty Armpit Speech: "I will take your guns"

Robert Francis O'Rourke is as genuine as Beto, the name he appropriated to imply his "Hispanic heritage." But the public is catching on because he doesn't seem to be able to win an election anymore, although he wants to be the governor of Texas to replace Greg Abbott.

When gently asked by supportive reporters on Friday whether he will reach out to alleged President Biden, O'Rourke dismissed the idea because as much of a goober as he is, O'Rourke knows having a brain addled failure to say good things about him would injure his chances of almost winning. He told reporters that he didn't want anyone in Washington, D.C., including President Biden, to get involved with his anti-Second Amendment campaign, as he explained to The Dallas Morning News.

"I’m not interested in any national politician — anyone outside of Texas — coming into this state to help decide the outcome of this,"  O'Rourke said as his armpits leaked water like the Titanic. "I think we all want to make sure that we’re working with, listening to, and voting with one another here in Texas."

"Where do you buy your shirts, Beto?"

Sure, he's listening to the people of Texas and he's flipping them off with his planned gun legislation and his willingness to kill the unborn.

"No one in Washington, D.C., right now can help us with the challenges that we have," he also said. "This one is on all of us."

Sounds profound but it's actually political yammering claptrap that says nothing and means less.

O'Rourke presented recent decisions from Congress and the Supreme Court regarding the U.S. election overhaul legislation and the Texas abortion law as evidence that Democrats in Texas have to go it on their own, "even if they have to break a few omelets," he said, unaware of his malapropism because he and Biden are cognitively on par with each other. 

O’Rourke's comments reportedly came during an Austin news conference in which he said his campaign would connect with 2 million voters in February to teach them about the new voting laws. These laws simply ask voters to prove who they are, eliminate potential voting fraud, and provide more opportunity for people to vote. This goes against the ideology of the Democratic Party because it eliminates potential fraud and voting from the cemetery.

O'Rourke, a former garbage congressman, announced his campaign to oust Abbott, a wheelchair-bound Republican. O'Rourke would like to push Abbott over the cliff. He tried to win a senate seat and a seat in the White House, but due his obvious lack of sensitivity to the American voter and his crappy YouTube videos of his changing a flat tire and getting his teeth worked on, he lost. However, he promises if he wins, he will make more entertaining videos depicting his interesting life.

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O'Rourke's comments about not wanting Biden or anyone else in D.C. helping his campaign came less than two weeks after Fake Gov. Stacey Abrams (D-GA) did not attend the mumblings of Biden and the raucous laughter of Kamala Hahaharris in her home state of Georgia about voting rights. Abrams pretended she had a "schedule conflict," but the only conflict she had was with herself, wondering how she could get out of being with these two losers. The optics of her being anywhere near them would be horrible.

While Abrams pushed back against criticism of her not attending the event, everyone who follows politics knows exactly why she begged off.

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