Wednesday, September 15, 2021

Compromised News Network's medical analyst: unvaxed same as drunk drivers

Even MDs can be idiots

Dr. Leana Wen, who, like Jill Biden is purportedly a doctor. Wen left her lucrative position as head of baby killing organization known as Planned Parenthood to work for the Compromised News Network's (CNN) as a medical analyst. She also evidently prides herself on thoughtful analogies and made one about people who have their own reasons for not getting the COVID-19 vaccination. The largest demographics in this group are Black folks and PhDs, by the way.

Wen's analogy is that people who are unvaccinated and go out in public are like drivers who dangerously take the road while drunk.

This analogy would be accurate if Wen said that unvaccinated people who go out in public are like drunk drivers who are the only people driving at the time the go out on the road. 

If unvaccinated people go out in public and are around vaccinated people, only the unvaccinated people are in any danger of becoming infected with the virus. The vaccinated are not likely to catch covid and if they do, they are highly unlikely to have severe symptoms, much less die. But since when has Wen and CNN given an honest picture of the pandemic?

Wen is better at killing unborn babies than making good analogies.

Before Wen told you what you need to do with your body, she once said, "No one should tell you what to do with your body." That almost sounds contradictory.

"We need to start talking about the choice to remain unvaccinated as the choice to go out and drive intoxicated," was the actual analogy she told CNN's Wolf Blitzer [whose Indian name is "Sucks Air MidSentence"]. 

Old Doc Wen told CNN's Dumbbell don Cuomo, "You have the option to not get vaccinated if you want, but then you can't go out in public ... just like you can choose to drink in private if you want, but if you get behind the wheel of a car and can endanger other people there is an obligation by society to prevent you from doing that."

"The vaccinated should not have to pay the price for the so-called choices of the unvaccinated anymore," she bloviated. 

Garbage analogy on a far-left garbage network. If the vaccine works, then what's the problem?

By the way, any rumors you might hear about Leana Wen and Jeffrey Toobin are unsubstantiated and probably not true as everybody knows, Toobin likes to go at it alone.

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