Saturday, August 7, 2021

Democratic party leader wished she hadn't wished death on Sen. Lindsey Graham from COVID-19

A  horrible top Democratic Party official in Rhode Island faced backlash for wishing Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) die of COVID-19 after he announced Monday that he had contracted COVID-19 despite being fully vaccinated. This Democratic leader in the state wished death upon a person with whom she has political differences. 

Graham said that he experienced "mild symptoms" and praised the vaccine, saying he'd probably feel much worse had he not been vaccinated.

"I feel like I have a sinus infection and at present time I have mild symptoms. I will be quarantining for ten days," Graham said. "I am very glad I was vaccinated because without vaccination I am certain I would not feel as well as I do now. My symptoms would be far worse."

But the execrable Kate Coyne-McCoy of the Rhode Island Democratic Party responded to Graham's diagnosis by wishing he would die from the virus. How lovely of her.
"It's wrong to hope he dies from Covid right? Asking for a friend," Coyne-McCoy said, adding the hashtags, "#COVIDISNOTOVER" and "#LINDSEYGRAHAM."
The witch quickly deleted the shameful tweet after she discovered that normal people took offense to it. She caught hell online because while she deleted it, the internet is unforgiving.

Coyne-McCoy is not a normal political strategist, nor is she a normal individual. The Rhode Island Democratic Party said about her in March that she would "develop and implement programs that will modernize the party and position Democrats to win from the top to the bottom of the ballot." Her Twitter bio says she's "leading" the state party, which says a lot about Rhode Island's Democrats.

Coyne-McCoy posted an apology Tuesday morning, saying she regretted exercising "poor judgement."

"I made a mistake. I used poor judgement which I obviously regret," she said.

That isn't poor judgment--it's poor upbringing and a disgusting, dark soul. Her biggest regret is the unexpected backlash she received from the public. She thought she was being clever when, in fact, she was being an a-hole and more than a thousand responses affirmed their belief of the same sentiment.
"It's not a mistake when you think it through enough to type it out. Come on! You've been around long enough to know that you were going to get called out on it. The only regret you have is getting caught," one response said.
It's mind-blowing to think that a person with such a nasty mindset can be put in such a position of power, but let us not sell the Democrats short on nasty.

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