Monday, June 28, 2021

Professors profess grammer be racist

Towson University [go fightin' Schmuck Buckles!] recently hosted a virtual Antiracist Pedagogy Symposium," according to Campus Reform. The panel "criticized university writing curriculum and programs for being racist and perpetuating whiteness," a skin color kind a lacking in melanin when compared to people of more color. 

In summary, they believe clear, grammatical writing and speech is racist, and I'm no racist so let's move on.

The program had a lot a speakers and was sponsored by the schools' Office of the Provost, the College of Useless Liberal Arts, the Faculty Academic Center of Near Excellence, Center for Studint Divercity, the schools' department of english, and much much more to say the lease.

They talked about "linguistic justice," because it rhymes with social justice in slam poetry. And they kind a said that grammar when used properly as in the write way, is racist. It often means the user is white and needs to admit he or she or it is racist, depending on their nouns.

So as a white guy, I'm gonna do the bestest possible to knot be seen as a racist onnaconna I ain't even though Im white.

Remember, if you speak right and proper you might be racist and stuff. So talk and right like this and you will be worry free even if you are white witch you mite be I dont no.

Now for the serious part:

No offense is intended for any race. It's just that crap like this is going to divide us even further as it promotes Marxist critical race theory balderdash.

You cannot undo being white just as you cannot undo being black, Asian or even your gender.

The good news is, there's no reason to undo any of it, although it's infecting our institutions and schools. Say no to critical race theory while Joe Biden can still almost tie his shoes.

By the way, go to Towson University's website and check out their perfect grammar--damn racists.

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